Glance meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Glance
As noun : अँखिया Ex:  We got to see a glance of the superstar.
अकोर Ex:  I threw a glance at my watch and got ready to go . अकोल Ex:  Although at first glance this may seem extraordinarily large आदृष्टि Ex:   and absolutely, Having glance उपहारक Ex:  A furious glance उपहार्य Ex:  A glance furtively thrown on purpose and with a marked expression, as a sign of affection or kindness उभासना Ex:  A quick glance was enough to let me know the value of this book ओझकना Ex:  From this house, it embraces a glance while a vast horizon ग्लांस करना Ex:  Having glance चमकना Ex:  He caught a glance the terrain चमक्कना Ex:  He threw us a furious glance threatening चमच्चना Ex:  I took a quick glance at this book about the case चमाकना Ex:  In first glance his face displeases चौँधना Ex:  Launch a fulminating glance जलकना Ex:  That allows to embrace, to grab a single glance eye the various parts of a whole, which offers an overview जलजलाना Ex:  The accuracy of glance झबकना Ex:  The first glance The first aspect of a person or thing झबूकना Ex:  The first glance What we see first, which offers first view झलहलना Ex:  This meeting provided a magnificent glance टिमकना Ex:  This principle extends further than one would believe at first glance डमकना Ex:  Table also said in a sheet, a card on which educational, historical and other materials are written methodically, to be seen from a glance डीठिमूठि ढेढ तरक्कना दमंकना दुपकना दृकपात दृष्टि डालना दृष्टिक्षेप दृष्टिदोष दृष्टिपात उ:   दृष्टिपात हिन्दी की मासिक पत्रिका है। नजर उ:   एक नजर में वह मंदिर और मंदिरों जैसा ही लगता है। नजरअ पाद्यार्थ पेशकश उ:   उससे कोई पेशकश की आवश्यकता नहीं है। प्राभृत, प्राभृतक लौँकना विभारना वोपना सरसरी तौर देखना सरसरी नजर डालना सरसरी नजर
Other : आँख Ex:  Boardman explains that both figures "might at first glance उ:   १. लुकि लुकि खेलत आँख मिचौंनी 'चरन पहाड़ी' ऊपर। किरण डालना Ex:  I have only to glance at this booklet, I traveled superficially निगाह उ:   उसकी निगाह अब यूरोप से बाहर के देशों पर लगी थी। नज़र संकेत करना
Glance ki paribhasha : kisi vastu ka svayn athava kisi ka prakaash padne ke kaaran khoob chamakana dekhane ki vratti ya shakti
Glance synonyms
peek glimpse swivel flash eye slant gander lamp sight peep squint view eyeball fleeting look look-see quick look glimmer glisten twinkle glint shimmer sparkle gleam coruscation peer scan browse gaze check out dip into run through take in flip through get a load of leaf through riffle through run over skim through take a gander thumb through shine coruscate glitter skip bounce dart kiss carom shave rebound slide scrape touch graze contact careen brush strike sideswipe
Glance antonyms
stare dullness ignore
Usage of Glance in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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