Glare meaning in hindi
As noun : अकोर Ex: he caught the motorcycles in the full glare of his headlights, braked and slipped purposefully out of the car
अकोल Ex: The teachers glare frightened the students. आदृष्टि Ex: a glare of sunlight उपहारक Ex: Then it disappeared temporarily behind the glare of the Sun. उपहार्य Ex: Use of sunglasses and hats with wide brims can make the glare outside bearable. ओभा Ex: glare घूरना Ex: The glare that surrounds घूरनि Ex: , See candles, thirty-six candles, is said when a great eye glare caused by a sudden, a tapping, a fall चमक Ex: , See thirty-six candlelight Having a glare उ: इसकी चमक दैदीप्यमान धात्वक है। चमका चमकार चमक्क चमचमाना चौंध जलजलाहट झलमलताई डीठिमूठि ढेढ तजल्ली तरेरना तीक्ष्ण दृष्टि से देखना त्विष् दगदगाहट दृष्टिदोष द्विभात नजर उ: वहॉ से लेक का नजारा नजर में कैद कर सकते है। परिस्फुर्ति पाद्यार्थ पेशकश उ: भारत सरकार ने पेशकश को ठुकरा दिया। प्राभृत, प्राभृतक भास्वत् भ्राजथु भ्राजि मणिमाला रुसनाई रोचिस् रोशनी उ: इस दिन मंदिर को फूलो व रोशनी से सजाया जाता है। विद्युत्कंप
As verb : उभासना Ex: Enceladus is easier to observe due to the reduction in glare from the rings. ओझकना Ex: Darder someone a glare गुस्से से घूरना Ex: It is impossible to look without the sun glare घुरना Ex: It was dozing this case to prevent the shine, to prevent the glare चमकना चमक्कना चमच्चना चमाकना चौँधना जलकना जलजलाना झबकना झबूकना झलहलना टिमकना डमकना तरक्कना दमंकना दुपकना लौँकना विभारना वोपना
Other : घाम Ex: It took me such a glare that I could not see घूर Ex: The glare of the diadem जगमगाहट लहक
Glare ki paribhasha : jvalit hona aaankhon ko is prakaar karana jisase krodh ya aprasannata prakat ho
ExamplesGlare synonyms
flame glow flare dazzle blaze brilliance blinding light frown scowl glower evil eye black look angry stare bad eye gawk gape fix pierce gaze wither peer bore menace do a slow burn look daggers stare angrily stare icily radiate glaze blare beam daze blur Glare antonyms
grin dullness smile aid assist help Usage of Glare in sentences
The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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