Glisten meaning in hindi
As verb : उभासना
ओझकना चमकना चमक्कना चमच्चना चमाकना चौँधना जलकना जलजलाना झबकना झबूकना झलहलना झितमिलाना टिमकना डमकना तरक्कना दमंकना दमकना दुपकना लौँकना विभारना वोपना
Glisten ki paribhasha : kisi vastu ka svayn athava kisi ka prakaash padne ke kaaran khoob chamakana jvalit hona
ExamplesGlisten synonyms
shine twinkle glint flicker sparkle glimmer gleam glitter glow glare flash coruscate scintillate glister glance Glisten antonyms
dull Usage of Glisten in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or intransitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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