Glistening meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Glistening
As verb : अर्चिमान Ex:  For ellipse, the glistening of the Lyre
आभात Ex:  From glistening shine उजिहिरा Ex:  glistening Mouche उद्दीप्र Ex:  It all face glistening sweat उन्मयूख Ex:  substantively, the glistening of a fabric चमकता हुआ झिलामिला ताबनाक देदोप्यमान प्रधूपित मुलम्मा रख्शाँ राजमान समुज्ज्वल सुवर्चस्क सुवर्च्चस्क स्फुरत्
Glistening synonyms
silky glassy polished sleek bright gleaming lustrous glazed shiny shining smooth slick brilliant silken burnished reflecting
Glistening antonyms
rough dull dark gloomy coarse
Usage of Glistening in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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