Gloomy meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Gloomy
As adjective : अंधकारमय Ex:  Don't be gloomy because you're broke . उ:   वे जितना नीचे आते हैं, जमीन उतना ही अंधकारमय दिखाई देता है।
अन्यमन Ex:  “Cheer up!” Mary said to a gloomy Fred . आमणदूमण Ex:  His comment on his early years was: "My youth was gloomy and cold and sterile. आर्त, आर्त्त Ex:  A gloomy reading उदास Ex:  In a gloomy manner उफतदा Ex:  It was gloomy and silent, gloomy and thoughtful कठा Ex:  Why do you have air, a gloomy mine? Sad and mournful countenance गंजित तपायमान दरमंद दुखी उ:   उनके पास कोई प्रति नहीं थी, इससे वे दुखी हो गए। दूमणा निराशजनक पजमुर्दा परिम्लायी प्रपन्न म्लायी विमुद विलक्खा संकटी हेचमर्द अंधेरा उ:   अंधेरा भी घिर आया था।
Other : खिन्न Ex:  , A gloomy air, a dark and sad मनहूस मलिन उ:   उस समय ये अपने चित्रों में मलिन रंगों का उपयोग करते थे। रंजीदा विषण्ण विषादित सीना
Gloomy ki paribhasha : dhooandhalaapan jisaka chitt kisi padaarth se hat gaya ho jisake chitt men khed utpann hua ho
Gloomy synonyms
funereal dim murky overcast somber dreary cloudy dismal forlorn dull bleak cheerless desolate dusky obscure sepulchral shadowy tenebrous wintry caliginous clouded crepuscular lightless overclouded unilluminated unlit pessimistic dour sullen solemn melancholy ugly glum depressed miserable blue funk crestfallen dejected despondent disconsolate dispirited down in the mouth downcast downhearted joyless low moody morose mournful oppressed saturnine sulky surly unhappy weary woebegone woeful crabbed broody chapfallen down in the dumps dragged in low spirits mirthless moping mopish discouraging bad cold drab lugubrious oppressive comfortless dispiriting tenebrific disheartening acheronian acherontic depressive saddening
Gloomy antonyms
cheerful joyful lively intelligent pleasant animated content encouraged vivacious encouraging exhilarating happy bright clear light smart luminous sunny hopeful sparkling uplifting glad comforted rich
Usage of Gloomy in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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