Glued meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Glued
As noun : चिपका हु Ex:  She glued the pieces of the model plane together .
As verb :
श्लिष्ट Ex:  Carton end, He that is that several paper glued on top of each other
Other : चिपकाया Ex:  All parts are glued together except the soundpost
Glued synonyms
observant aware interested conscientious vigilant heedful alert awake fascinated hooked immersed intent listening mindful on the ball preoccupied regardful studious all ears enrapt enthralled hanging on every word on the job on the lookout on the qui vive on one's toes tight durable sure stable sound firm faithful set fastened secure fortified held adherent permanent staunch close constant constrained lasting ardent impregnable indelible inextricable loyal resistant resolute steadfast tenacious unwavering true attached wedged true blue cautious wary suspicious careful chary circumspect guarded keen on guard open-eyed prepared ready unsleeping wakeful wide-awake not missing a trick on the watch see after see to with eyes peeled perplexed puzzled frozen caught joined stumped adhered fixed saddled baffled mired stymied unite cleave glue paste cling like ivy freeze to hold fast hold on like bulldog stay put stick like a barnacle stick like glue exhort enjoin scold chide berate warn upbraid censure rebuke reprimand advise ding growl notice counsel forewarn hoist reprove check tell off call down call on the carpet come down hard on draw the line give a going over jack up rap on knuckles sit on slap on wrist speak to talk to tell a thing or two give a piece of one's mind tack append annex subjoin tag put on rivet hitch on tack on tag on tie up cover strap restrict shackle handcuff connect wrap tether dress clamp trim border fetter lace swathe fold truss furl muzzle chain leash moor restrain hamper finish yoke bandage cinch hem hobble rope trammel lash constrict manacle put together encase enchain pinion enfetter hook on hook up peg down pin down fuse gum stickum seal solder weld merge combine blend mortar stick together consolidate associate coalesce screw tighten nail bolt strengthen lock establish belt lodge implant brace grip string batten couple link knot catch jam button settle embed girth anchor mortise make firm stabilize install thicken inculcate instill graft ingrain congeal entrench locate stiffen steady harden place solidify position root nail down rigidify daub smudge overlay coat bedaub besmear linger remain hug clog snag persist clasp braze be bogged down become embedded become immobilized stick like barnacle assign blame impute
Glued antonyms
inattentive negligent unaware heedless ignorant inconsiderate neglectful neglecting careless disregarding unattentive wobbly unstable changeable indefinite irresolute disloyal inconstant unreliable untrue inaccurate uncertain undecided unprotected ephemeral temporary tardy unhurried impermanent movable unattached moral flexible loose soft weak moving wavering unfixed open ending plodding slow insecure good upright incautious rash unobservant indiscreet thoughtless uncareful detach disconnect disjoin loosen separate unfasten divide not conform permit compliment praise laud applaud extol allow flatter approve commend withdraw let go uncover unwrap unlock center release unhitch liberate aid assist unbind lay bare forget remove lose free unlace untie succeed help set free unstick part disperse fall off dispute disagree dissuade unseal refuse destroy unsettle displace discourage halt confuse leave unchain unlink liquefy thin dislodge disorder misplace disarrange disorganize ignore corrupt melt miss disturb break look away eat out play fair reveal disobey stop soften depart upset
Usage of Glued in sentences

The word is used as adjective verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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