Gluttony meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Gluttony
As noun : उदरंभरी Ex:  Part fine, fun part where you put some mystery, some elegant refinement, gluttony
पेटूपन Ex:  Place the tongue on something gluttony or caress
Other : अफरा Ex:  Eating with binge means excess and gluttony लोलुपता Ex:  The one, the one that grows to excess gluttony उ:   रूस की इस लोलुपता से जापान को बड़ी आशंका हुई।
Gluttony ki paribhasha : koi padaartha, visheshataः dhan aadi praapt karane ki itani adhik aur aisi kaamana jo kuchh bhaddi aur bedhngi ho
Usage of Gluttony in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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