Glyph meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Glyph
As noun : नकाशी किये हुए चद्दर पर उभड़ी हुई प्रतिलिपि बनाने की विधि Ex:  Prior to that, the former had been merely glyph variants of the latter.
मणि तक्षण Ex:  There may have been more than one glyph for some of the consonants मणियों की खुदाई की कला या वैज्ञानिक ढंग Ex:  More rigorous than most attempts, she restricts each glyph to a single reading.
Other : उच्चित्र Ex:  Thus, u is equivalent to u1, the first glyph expressing phonetic u.
Glyph ki paribhasha : spasht roop se bane hue, visheshataः ubhare hue, chitron ke saath
Usage of Glyph in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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