Gnomic meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Gnomic
As noun : दुरूह उ:   इस दुरूह चढाई को चढते-चढते यात्रियों का दम निकलने लगता है।
As adjective :
कहावत सम्बन्धी Ex:  The gnomic poetry तद्ध र्मार्थक Ex:  The gnomic poets or by ellipse, Series gnomic सूक्तिबद्व सूक्‍तिवत्
Gnomic synonyms
precise curt cryptic incisive concise brusque laconic pithy succinct elliptical trenchant abrupt clear-cut close compact compendious condensed crisp epigrammatic exact lean neat pointed sententious short and sweet snappy summary taut aphoristic boiled down breviloquent clipped compendiary cut to the bone in a nutshell to the point
Gnomic antonyms
polite kind long-winded wordy verbose lengthy gentle nice prolix
Usage of Gnomic in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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