Go dutch meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Go dutch
As noun :
साझा करना
Go dutch synonyms
break in come through interpose interrupt pay pitch in subscribe ante up chime in conate subsidize grant supply devote give add commit accord enrich afford dispense sacrifice dower confer will bestow bequeath present proffer tender endow assign furnish bequest dole out give away hand out kick in pony up sweeten the kitty divide receive distribute experience split participate slice divvy apportion deal shift ration prorate quota yield partition administer allot partake divvy up split up be a party to cut the pie divide with give and take give out go fifty-fifty go halves go in with have a hand in have a portion of mete out parcel out pay half piece up slice up take a part of
Go dutch antonyms
pilfer take take away refuse withhold harm shun subtract counteract disapprove keep disagree receive hurt neglect oppose withdraw combine deny disallow unite collect gather join maintain be selfish
Usage of Go dutch in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb in hindi 
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