Go getter meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Go getter Examples
Go getter synonyms
doer pistol dynamo hustler live wire spark plug workhorse sharpy self-starter fireball active person ambitious person ball of fire busy bee busy person hot shot no slouch peon grunt scrub gal friday office boy bottom person on the totem pole guy friday hired help low person on the totem pole office girl energetic enthusiastic earnest determined aggressive resourceful anxious ardent aspiring avid come on designing desirous driving enterprising hopeful hungry industrious inspired intent longing purposeful pushing pushy soaring thirsty vaulting zealous striving bent upon climbing come on strong get up and go goal-oriented hard ball high-reaching power-loving self-starting productive vigorous effective influential forceful powerful compelling lively progressive changing charismatic electric go-ahead energizing forcible intense lusty magnetic peppy strenuous vehement zippy vitalizing activating coming on strong go-getting highpowered hyped-up play for keeps play hard ball red-blooded aholic vip catalyst entrepreneur generator leader lightning rod player presence upstart whip heavyweight producer heavy hitter achiever affluential enterprising person man of influence palpable presence pathfinder trailblazer wheeler and dealer great dominant impressive persuasive robust useful stiff almighty authoritative cogent commanding convincing efficacious full-bodied gutsy punchy spanking sturdy telling trenchant puissant powerhouse promising succeeding ingrate bounder carpetbagger timeserver trimmer
Go getter antonyms
lethargic content fulfilled satisfied unassuming facile unenthusiastic easy fruitless impotent unproductive idle inactive incapable ineffective apathetic boring passive unexciting weak lifeless dull insignificant unimportant ineffectual infirm disabled fragile helpless soft unhealthy
Usage of Go getter in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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