Go meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Go
As noun : अंकूलना Ex:  he has the one but will need a two and three to go with it
अकारना Ex:  A sclerotic patient should undergo a nature cure treatment. अक्षमद Ex:  its my go आँबठ Ex:  Heinous crimes should not go unpunished. आवाज़ होना या करना Ex:  In go the verb is imperative. इनसिदाद Ex:  He somehow managed to go in. इस्तमाल होना Ex:  he withdrew to his sanctum sanctorum, where the children could never go उछावा Ex:  All the nations should go for disarmament. उजरंग Ex:  We are using the elevator to go upstairs. उज्जना Ex:  When did you go there?. उतपानना Ex:  lets go to cafe उत्पन्न होना Ex:  Dont go any nearer. उत्साह Ex:  The prisoners had to go without food for many days. उ:   गोकुलाष्टमी दक्षिण भारत में बहुत उत्साह के साथ मनाई जाती है। उत्साहअ Ex:  For Gods sake! Please go away. उदभावन Ex:  You go to anyplace in India,youll find temples. उपलब्ध होना Ex:  Everybody should go to sickroom if he is ill. उलाह Ex:  You should go to the mass. उल्लुंठन Ex:  Viruses undergo genetic change by several mechanisms. ऊबटना Ex:  Children go and play outdoors. ओहटना Ex:  I like to go on a carousel. औठ Ex:  I go to the cinema very often. करना Ex:  Eukaryotic cells usually undergo a process of nuclear division उ:   इनका मुख्य कार्य खेती करना है। काम करना Ex:  Im yearnig to go home. किबो Ex:  Disney was supposed to undergo a neck surgery कोँपना Ex:  I go to school. खड़ना Ex:  We took a taxi to go to the station. खर्च होना Ex:  See that the notes go with the tie. गो Ex:  Ram is predetermined to go to Nainital. उ:   कुछ अर्थों में उसे गो का भी पर्याय माना गया है। गोअना Ex:  I often go there. चटन Ex:  All children go to kindergarten before going to a school. चलाना Ex:  These clothes go into that suitcase. उ:   पहचान का काम अनेक-दमक-ज्योति से ही चलाना अच्छा है। चूँप Ex:  She called a limousine to go to the ball. छिबना Ex:  I will go to see her off tonight. जम्मना Ex:  Shall we go to the party? जोशिश Ex:  Snuggle down and go to sleep. टमकना Ex:  People go out in the weekends. ठोलना Ex:  My boyfriend and I always go Dutch डगराना Ex:  She wants to go to bed. त्रीघटना Ex:  We have no clear-cut plans to go for trekking. देने की इच्छा होना Ex:  Let's go to the movies . धरपना Ex:  The male and female frogs then undergo amplexus. नषाना Ex:  Cash in your chips before you go . ना Ex:  Collect your things up, and let's go . उ:   वह ना तो खेती करना जानता था और ना ही घर बनाना। निखूटनापु Ex:  I've decided not to go to the conference . निरथाना Ex:  I go along with Jane . पदच्युत होना Ex:  Excuse me, I have to go to the toilet . परिश्रृत Ex:  Can you go to the dance? Hardly anyone is going . पापनाशन Ex:  After being unveiled publicly, the plan will undergo parliamentary debate. पूर्णतः विभाजित होना Ex:  You can't go out with Bill . पैझना Ex:  They undergo closed mitosis without centrioles प्रयास में Ex:  Traditionally, as women did not go to war, they did not use a shield. प्रारंब करना Ex:  54% hardly ever or never go to church प्रारंभ करना Ex:  15% go to church a few times per year प्रोत्साहकता Ex:  I was primarily interested in religion because I wanted to go to heaven" फटना Ex:  I go With Ser Brunetto उ:   खुजली, लालिमा, फटना या गलना - यह सब शुष्क त्वचा के लक्षण हैं। फीटना Ex:  Heinlein believed that individualism did not go hand-in-hand with ignorance. बंद होना Ex:  531 shooting to go along with averages of 10.3 rpg and 2.81 bpg. बग्गना Ex:  Balaam thus sets out with two servants to go to Balak बजना Ex:  Many go to work as teachers or are unemployed. बरिया Ex:  We could go into the Labyrinth every day". बाँहना Ex:  Vrba was "selected" to go to the right rather than the left बाक़ी होना Ex:  Clark Gable recommended the role go to McDaniel बारी Ex:  He also maintained that unbaptized children would go to hell. उ:   इसके बाद मुल्तान और करूर की बारी आई। बिंटना Ex:  In patients who undergo treatment बिकना Ex:  With three races of 1999 to go बिसवना Ex:  This attack was a complete success but Brock felt he needed to go further. बीकना Ex:  The party ends and the Stahlbaum family go to bed. बीतना Ex:  I return home and go to my study. मर जाना Ex:  The band decided to make a video to go with the single. मुचाना Ex:  Yet others wanted to go to British Mandate of Palestine मुस्तैदी Ex:  Pay as you go is available on a restricted but increasing, number of routes. मूर्च्छन Ex:  The sedimentary rock may again undergo metamorphism. रंदना Ex:  He was sent into the streets with no home to go to रखा होना Ex:  Clara asks Jake not to go रुड़ना Ex:  Bess leaves Porgy behind as they go off to the picnic. रुनकना Ex:  During the day, settlers could go to homes and buildings within the town लगना Ex:  If the great demand of diamonds were to go into rapid decline वग्गना Ex:  This single remains the only Bond theme to go to Number 1 on the U.S. charts वाजना Ex:  To go alongside the Remonstrance विछाडना Ex:  Van der Donck's decision to go public paid off विथुरना Ex:  Armstrong decided to go to Europe to escape. विनिमीलन Ex:  The C64's original motherboard would go through two major redesigns विसवना Ex:  It was eventually decided that the responsibility should go to the courts. संप्रवर्त्तन Ex:  Whilst in Cambridge Wittgenstein often liked to go to the cinema. संवृत्ति Ex:  Patel allowed Vithalbhai to go in his place. सकुचना Ex:  Many middle and upper-class children go to private schools. सज्जकर्म Ex:  The T17-armed P-38L did not go beyond unsuccessful trials. सत्वोद्रेक Ex:  People need transport to go from one to the other . समाना[जाना Ex:  Refugees typically go to the Chadian village of Békoninga समासादन Ex:  Board games such as go समुत्पत्ति Ex:  The king, therefore, would have to go to magicians . समुत्साह Ex:  They see that there is nowhere that they cannot go . सरभ Ex:  A priest who is preparing to go say Mass सहायता करना Ex:  A ship can not go racing without being provided with a commission of his government सियाक Ex:  All things considered, I think it is better not not to go सूटना Ex:  along with a mechanism that begins to go haywire, not to go as well as before स्फुल Ex:  As if I did go to Rome, I would stay there long स्फूर्ति Ex:  As soon as my sister will arrive, I go to see उ:   उससे उसे स्फूर्ति मिलती है। स्फोटित Ex:  back in business, trade and industry are starting to go well स्वर्गवास होना Ex:  Be prepared strongly and go हँड़वाना Ex:  be very widespread in the world , See many, be sought in many homes, often go in social gatherings हुब Ex:  Becoming surrender, become scarce, go less often in a society, in a house that had been used to frequent हुमंक Ex:  Both gloves, then go all हेराफेरी Ex:  45% of Chadian women undergo the procedure हो जाना Ex:  Chemistry Operation that is to go directly to a body of होँठी Ex:  d Natural History Who has the right to withdraw, to go inside होना Ex:  Degrees North Latitude, Those who go from the equator to the North Pole उ:   इनका माध्यम सदैव अम्लीय होना अनिवार्य है। होनाना Ex:  Do not doubt, be brave, go ahead, regardless of the difficulties, पहुँचना उ:   लेकिन शक्ति के बदलाव के लिए उपयोगकर्ता तक पहुँचना आवश्यक था। बढना
As verb : अँटना Ex:  everyone should go for body protection. खड़ना Ex:  We took a taxi to go to the station. खाड़ेती Ex:  We go to church on maundy thursday. गच्छाना Ex:  She likes to go into the rag-trade. चरणचार Ex:  We go the cathedral every sunday. चलना Ex:  Dont go a orgy. चल्लना Ex:  I have a yen to go to Antartica. टुरन Ex:  People go to various religious places to worship. निकल जाना Ex:  There's not enough coffee to go around . पदक्रम Ex:  Let's go to it, you guys! Inf . पदविक्षेप Ex:  I have to go to the doctor . पादन्यास Ex:  Load them in, and let's go . प्रणिघान Ex:  Care to go for a swim? Mary: Not now, thanks . प्रस्थावा Ex:  Before they could go any further, however, they would need more resources. रखा जाना Ex:  The Japanese Grand Prix was led by Schumacher with only 16 laps to go वस्क Ex:  For Popper, metaphysical and historical indeterminism go hand in hand. विप्रयाण Ex:  Most visitors to Soweto go to see the Mandela Museum सँचरना Ex:  Oppenheimer was encouraged to go to Europe for future study सन्निवेश Ex:  The infection may be entirely asymptomatic and may go unrecognized. जाना उ:   यह मंदिर मुख्‍य मंदिर के नाम से भी जाना जाता है।
Other : आगे बढना Ex:  It is getting on midnight--lets all go to bed! ख़राब होना Ex:  Let go of the door handle, please! चाल बढ़ाना Ex:  He was yenning to go to Antartica. फ़ैलना Ex:  "Honor is like the Hawk: Sometimes it must go Hooded". बन्द होना Ex:  "Where she goes, we go
Go ki paribhasha : aaghaat lagane ka kaaran athava yon hi kisi poli chij ka is prakaar tootana ya khndit hona athava usamen daraar pad jaana jisamen bhitar ki chijen baahar nikal paden athava dikhaayi dene lagen pradhaan sattaarthak kriya do padaarthon ka tal aapas men milana oo ek shabd jisaka prayog asvikrati ya nishedh soochit karane ke liye hota hai bakari, bhainsa, bhedi ityaadi doodh denevaale pashu kisi padaarth ka dravy lekar diya jaana vichaar aadi man men phurana ya uday hona ek sthaan se chalakara, doosare sthaan men prastut ya praapt hona ek sthaan se doosare sthaan par praapt hone ke liye gati men hona
Go synonyms
force energy get-up-and-go pep animation snap vigor life zest starch bang moxie oomph hardihood potency tuck verve drive activity push birr vivacity essay whirl shot fling bid pop turn stab slap crack effort whack fly retire travel move leave pass progress flee fare repair hightail lam depart quit wend escape mosey near journey exit hie withdraw cruise decamp approach vamoose abscond split beat it get off hit the road light out pull out push off shove off take off bug out get away get going get lost make a break for it make for move out push on run along run away set off skip out take a hike take a powder take flight take leave make one's way score continue prosper perform persist maintain succeed flourish click thrive carry on make out pan out extend lead reach range vary spread cover connect fit give access develop serve happen come persevere concur incline conduce transpire befall eventuate avail chance result wax occur fall out turn out work out lead to like enjoy conform accord square dovetail complement belong correspond mesh jibe suit chime blend relish match be adapted for be designed for finish drop fail spend decease consume conclude terminate crumble deplete bend squander decline worsen cave dissipate weaken succumb exhaust perish devour demise expend waste yield expire fritter pass away run through fold up pass on use up flow be spent slip away waste away allow stand stomach tolerate brook bear abide permit swallow suffer consent to put up with
Go antonyms
weakness idleness inactivity laziness lethargy apathy discouragement dullness remain wait create surrender face stay stop arrive come enter continue break disagree mismatch be born cease languish halt fail lose give up obey cause leave quit dislike hate refuse disconnect differ accumulate store commence increase hoard improve keep earn bear collect gather build begin start save hold reject disallow shun
Usage of Go in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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