Go to sleep meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Go to sleep
As noun :
सुन्न होना
Go to sleep synonyms
relinquish depart pull out separate remove withdraw go surrender retreat revoke ebb recede resign secede exit yield regress decamp repeal rescind draw back fall back get off hand over take off rusticate absent oneself deny oneself get away give ground give up work give way go away go to bed hit the sack leave service make vacant pull back run along seclude oneself sever connections stop working go to one's room flop nap rest lie down pile in roll in catch some z's crash kip down sack out pension put out to pasture
Go to sleep antonyms
remain increase come in continue stay advance approve join arrive begin enter awaken get up combine unite permit forge allow
Usage of Go to sleep in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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