Go up meaning in hindi
As noun : उठना Ex: 2-6, 7-6 after Evert lost a game point to go up 5-2 in the third set.
उथराना Ex: Unlike the Soviet-built tanks it was designed to go up against ऊछेर Ex: A cure that is to go up by and down ऊठना Ex: A mountain that is scandalous to go up and down जाना उ: जिसे अब तुलसी मंदिर के नाम से जाना जाता है।
As verb : अथवनापु Ex: `Lets go up that mountain, she said enterprisingly खिरना Ex: Degrees who, in a building, used to go up and down चढ़ना Ex: Go, go up झँफान Ex: In most channels, the boats go up and down through locks and locks झराँ Ex: It is a country uneven, we only go up and down नठनापु Ex: It means even go up after going down नष्ट होना Ex: It only move up, down and go up the stairs निर्मित होना Ex: Joining pieces of wood, which forms a sort of floor on which the workers go up to work in the higher parts of a construction परठना ‡ Ex: No go up nor down फीटना Ex: Reassemble the course of a river, a river or simply go up a river, river, Navigate against the current of a river, a river बिनशना Ex: Should we go up to him? After retiring from the theater, this actor is back on the scene बढ़ना Ex: To go up in smoke, vapor भिहिलाना ‡ Ex: The sacred tribune, The pulpit where the clergy go up to talk to the मूठना Ex: Without go up nor down विणठना विणसना विद्रुति सँहरना संलयन उ: पार्टियों के गठबंधन को भी एक चुनावी संलयन कहा जाता है।
Go up ki paribhasha : nichi sthiti se aur ooanchi sthiti men hona ek sthaan se doosare sthaan par praapt hone ke liye gati men hona
ExamplesGo up synonyms
top ascend clamber soar escalate escalade ape up break close drop finish crash fold default terminate dishonor repudiate go under defalcate overdraw be cleaned out be in arrears be ruined be taken to the cleaners become insolvent close down drop a bundle go bankrupt go belly up go broke go bust go into chapter 11 go out of business go to the wall lose big close one's doors lose one's shirt board embark enplane entrain arise back lift vault tower bestride clamber up climb onto climb up on get astride get up on jump on raise advance double swell pick up accelerate multiply build improve expand distend aggravate augment magnify bulge intensify billow upsurge enlarge enhance spread redouble wax deepen inflate rouse heighten levitate add to perk up take off move up go through the roof intensate pile up speed up stack up surmount go down tread dance skip tiptoe walk traipse ambulate descend mince pace prance hoof trip troop go backward go forward move backward move forward Go up antonyms
decrease slump dismount go down retreat descend drop fall lower decline commence create accomplish achieve gain merit obtain prosper capture complete procure begin continue start bear earn reach succeed win deliver get off disrobe disagree unclothe lessen alight subside unfix demolish destroy raze weaken worsen decelerate soften soothe calm compress recede regress comply cooperate give in depress diminish reduce stop divide contract shrink cave in deflate go along Usage of Go up in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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