Gobble up meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Gobble up
As noun : गिलकना
गील्लना निगलना लीकना
Gobble up ki paribhasha : 2612 jaana
Gobble up synonyms
smash trash devastate annihilate wreck ruin obliterate dismantle pulverize crush decimate flatten overturn bulldoze raze wrack level crack overthrow burst undo break wax devour sink defeat total put away tear down dilapidate torpedo knock down put in toilet take apart take out wipe off map feed chew dine inhale bite nibble ingest attack pick swallow gormandize scarf snack cram masticate absorb scoff dispatch graze wolf bolt sup nosh gorge ruminate munch banquet digest break bread dispose of fall to pig out polish off take in lunch breakfast chow down feast upon have a bite have a meal have for make pig of oneself partake of peck at pork out take food take nourishment monopolize be greedy grab all of have all to oneself retrieve secure win attain recover glean pick up access achieve reach procure gain reap realize purchase earn seize receive gather collect nab capture corral accomplish hoard invade cop effect inherit snag pocket occupy score wangle annex compass save salvage fetch chalk up come by drum up get at lay up beg borrow or steal get hold of make use of scrape together scrape up get one's hands on
Gobble up antonyms
construct create mend surrender fasten lose build help raise fix strengthen produce rebuild repair restore abstain misunderstand preserve open maintain forfeit release disperse scatter squander endanger harm forsake sacrifice give offer give up let go fail miss spend throw away free plant distribute divide waste yield hurt
Usage of Gobble up in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi. 
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