Good tempered meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Good tempered
As noun :
प्रसन्न चित्त
Good tempered synonyms
affable agreeable amicable attractive benign breezy charming cheerful congenial cool cordial cozy delightful engaging friendly good-natured buddy-buddy clubby copacetic downright neighborly accommodating amiable compliant conciliatory deferential generous indulgent lenient obliging polite solicitous submissive easy-going pleasant natural smooth secure carefree casual diplomatic familiar gentle graceful gracious gregarious informal open sociable suave tolerant unaffected unpretentious urbane relaxed unforced at ease unanxious undemanding merry buoyant cheery smiling temperate subdued balmy tame warm calm bland mellow moderate soft tranquil clement compassionate docile dull equable feeble flat forbearing forgiving humane insipid jejune kind meek merciful obeisant pacific patient peaceable placid serene spiritless subservient tender unassuming vapid forbearant mild-mannered
Good tempered antonyms
antagonistic discontented dissatisfied obstinate disagreeable arduous complicated demanding intricate uneasy exhausting trying intolerant complex difficult hard involved laborious oppressive unrelaxed impossible strict unpermissive unhappy unleisurely onery irritable unfriendly surly morose gloomy mean grave sad serious ill-humored unfunny immoderate stormy excessive excited unkind fierce agitated nervous violent uncontrolled roused rough cool wild harsh loud sharp strong turbulent severe flappable
Usage of Good tempered in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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