Goose meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Goose
As noun : बत्तख Ex:  A wild goose उ:   जागने पर विक्रम ने देखा कि चित्र का बत्तख उसके गहने निगल रहा है।
बेवकूफ़ Ex:  Candied goose wings हंसिनी Ex:  Passage Bird species of wild goose
Other : मराल Ex:  In terms of Botany, Bec-de-crane, Bec de stork, heron-de-Bec, Bec-de-pigeon, goose Bec, etc उ:   पुठि मराल सहइ अविचार। राजहंस Ex:  It is said in the same direction Kill the goose that lays golden eggs हंस Ex:  Male of domestic goose उ:   हंस और बतख भी पर्याप्त संख्या में यहाँ मिलते है।
Goose ki paribhasha : vah jo apadh aur jaahil ho ek prakaar ka hns jise sona pakshi bhi kahate hain
Goose synonyms
aid support assistance improvement help leg handout praise buildup promotion backup helping hand leg up shot in the arm advance shove hoist thrust heave rush force inspire propel make send herd encourage prompt stimulate chase bulldoze pound actuate overwork coerce arouse animate provoke worry hound nag compel instigate kick hustle shepherd overburden oblige pressure hurl railroad hurry dog impel harass constrain hasten egg on ride herd on steamroll act upon lean on put up to spirit up work on invigorate empower excite reinforce electrify strengthen trigger prime enable enliven fortify inspirit sustain zap quicken build up pep up turn on work up innervate actify activize jazz up juice up liven up pump up put zip into start up switch on stooge jerk idiot sucker clown buffoon nitwit moron boob nerd clod dunce imbecile victim lightweight bore cretin dolt oaf sap innocent nincompoop bonehead illiterate dope schlemiel numskull loon blockhead silly ignoramus simpleton dimwit easy mark fair game fathead birdbrain dunderhead twerp dumb ox halfwit lamebrain tease move sting whip exhort irritate sound urge prick bully needle lash spark annoy sic rowel fire up key up beset crave persuade plead badger sell pray pester implore solicit appeal invoke besiege plague ask beseech beg entreat supplicate activate coax engender bring about breed promote produce convince cause generate abet cajole sway draw wheedle get influence effect procure sweet-talk squeeze occasion incite bring around get up lead to soft-soap argue into draw in give rise to prevail upon sell one on set in motion suck in talk into win over twist one's arm pick up climb disappear soar uphold hike mount dissipate erect elevate upraise arise aspire uplift vanish rear disperse bring up come up draw up take up uprear heft upheave bear aloft buoy up hike up jack up jump up move up raise high galvanize incline suggest dispose predetermine whet predispose give incentive innerve set afoot set astir touch off desire impetus interest wish motive reason encouragement impulse catalyst inclination provocation hunger gimmick angle incitation action disposition incitement predisposition stimulus instigation inducement suggestion right stuff predetermination actuation impulsion get up and go baffle bamboozle beat bewilder cap cheat circumvent confuse deceive defeat defraud dupe finagle gull have hoax hoodwink mislead outdo outfox outmaneuver overreach swindle take in trick worst end-run fake out lead astray make a fool of make a monkey of outgeneral outguess outjockey pull a fast one on put one over on run circles around seduction conversion potency cogency brainwashing persuasiveness exhortation hook alignment enticement blandishment alluring hard sell snow job soft soap sweet talk inveiglement wheedling cajolery arm-twist winning over working over ignite irk displease gall rile incense offend kindle mortify wound vex exasperate absorb bug affront miff peeve bother nettle grab put out get a rise out of get under skin give a hard time give the business make waves nudge stick out dig punch stab protrude jab shoulder project awaken hit crowd bulge jostle jut butt elbow overhang stand out jog remind jog memory stir up speed jolly browbeat expedite kid strong-arm bear down dragoon exert influence go to town on overpress pour it on push around put the screws to speed up heighten obtain collect enhance pyramid dignify recruit congregate rally aggravate form magnify enlarge exalt congress inflate levy mushroom escalate snowball assemble intensify amplify exaggerate muster gather mass rendezvous mobilize honor look up perk up forgather fetch up goose up run up send through the roof shoot up stimulant turn-on activation excitant favor countenance exceed total eclipse outstrip transcend excel best better outshine overrun clobber bash shut out be first blow away go beyond gyp end run figure out jip juke duck chicken grouse quail geese pigeon pheasant pullet rooster partridge cock capon jackass exhilarate
Goose antonyms
hindrance injury harm hurt obstruction silence decrease setback stop check blow discouragement dissuade prevent impede calm delay hinder dally procrastinate slow wait curb repress retard halt depress leave alone please pull rest let go dishearten deaden weaken deactivate debilitate sap tire weary bore dull genius brain surrender lull quiet aid soothe block praise suppress reply refuse assist answer help command give destroy deter kill stay lose fail repel lessen impose demote dispirit drop lower descend fall collect gather appear set down receive disconcert dislike hate hatred deterrent prevention dullness depression disability ineffectiveness weakness incompetence atheism disbelief impotence dissuasion delight compliment appease placate misunderstand mollify make happy extinguish compose satisfy cave in rush conceal hide undermine condemn disgrace humiliate shame scatter disperse play down abridge compress condense curtail denounce demolish raze ignore divide separate diminish reduce shrink contract conclude finish abandon neglect disapprove replace fall behind add enlighten explain guard protect abet clear up support encourage be honest enervate
Usage of Goose in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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