Govern meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Govern
As noun : संचालन करना Ex:  Art establish and govern the hawks and all kinds of birds of prey
As verb :
अवय होना Ex:  Lepidus went on to govern Hispania and the province of Africa. उछेदना Ex:  The municipality councils also appoint elders to govern the elderates. क़ाबू में करना Ex:  Having been granted a charter to govern the island by Richard Cromwell in 1657 नियन्ट्रित करना Ex:  But if by 'God,' one means the set of physical laws that govern the universe नियमन करना Ex:  , a just natural law that can govern all people, independent of place and time. निर्धारित करना Ex:  Nonetheless Ortega vowed that he would govern "desde abajo" प्रब‌ंध करना Ex:  Constitutional and administrative law govern the affairs of the state. प्रभावित करना Ex:  The Admiral sent an officer to govern in his place. राज्य करना Ex:  "I could conquer the whole of them with 50 men, and govern them as I pleased". वशा में करना Ex:  The state is divided into 77 counties that govern locally शासन करना Ex:  Nine of the districts govern Puxi संचालित करना Ex:  constitutionally govern हुकूमत करना Ex:  He said specifically political organizations , administrative or financial that govern more or less by themselves
Other : नियंत्रण करना Ex:  The Bermudians on the Turks appointed commissioners to govern themselves शासित करना Ex:  and absolutely, Charrier law, although if driving, one must govern as सम्भालना Ex:  Former name of the jaw, the part of the flange you put in the horse's mouth to govern the
Govern synonyms
manage oversee conduct dictate administer supervise regulate carry out guide head run render lead superintend sway direct reign tyrannize command execute captain overrule order steer pilot assume command be in power call the shots call the signals exercise authority head up hold dominion hold office hold sway lay down the law occupy throne pull the strings serve the people wear the crown be in the driver's seat inhibit dominate handle decide curb determine discipline shepherd incline subdue dispose tame predispose restrain contain bridle boss underlie directionalize get the better of
Govern antonyms
obey comply surrender acquiesce consent permit abandon mismanage leave neglect follow serve fail agree yield allow give way aid assist hesitate release liberate help submit
Usage of Govern in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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