Grace meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Grace
As noun : अंगभंगी Ex:  the conception of grace developed alongside the conception of sin
अकरखन Ex:  her love of music remains her one saving grace अखलाक Ex:  By the grace of God I am well. अग्न्युपस्थान Ex:  everything is ok by the grace of god अदा Ex:  Her presence lent a grace to the occasion. उ:   ’ बहुधा परम्पराएँ भी यही भूमिका अदा करती है। अनुकम्पा Ex:  We have a fluid arrangement of work here.
She had a fluid grace in her dance.
अभिप्रणय Ex:  Rama wears good quality of stiletto to add grace to her walk. अर्दनि Ex:  Sally runs with speed and grace . अवधि Ex:  Her saving grace is that she has a lot of money . उ:   यहां पर अवधि और भोजपुरी भांषाओं का संगम है। आकर्षण Ex:  Grandfather always says grace at Thanksgiving . उ:   गोदावर इस स्‍थान के आकर्षण को और भी बढ़ा देती है। आभिरूपक, आभिरूप्य Ex:  … and the most well-rounded multiplayer mode ever to grace Nintendo 64" इनायत Ex:  "Asked if she knew she was in God's grace उ:   उनका पूरा नाम नूर-उन-निसा इनायत ख़ान था। इमसाक Ex:  This includes such daily prayers as grace at meals and the liturgy of the hours इल्तमास Ex:  His understanding of sin and grace was developed against that of Pelagius. इल्तिफात Ex:  In Catholicism, those who die in a state of grace इल्तिफात Ex:  In Catholicism, those who die in a state of grace इश्वरी प्रभाव Ex:  Hawkins writing that he takes up his pen "in the year of grace 17--". ईश्वर की दया Ex:  Yet Ibrahim eventually fell from grace with the Sultan. ईश्वरी प्रभाव Ex:  Michael Faraday was awarded a grace and favour house in Hampton Court उपच्छंद Ex:  Vasilevsky fell from grace and was replaced by Bulganin उपयाचित Ex:  , This is an idol, a real idol, says a Beautiful person without grace and that seems animated point of उस्तति Ex:  A converted fisherman lives the life of grace , lives a new life ओभा Ex:  A gesture, a smile full of grace ककुप् ककुभ Ex:  A grace cutesy कचा Ex:  A place where, according to Catholic doctrine the souls of those who die in grace will atone for the sins they have not done enough penance in this world कमा Ex:  Absolutely, What have I unworthy? It means, in terms of Theology, Make something of the grace of God उ:   यानि यंग इंडिया किराये के तौर पर भी बहुत पैसा कमा रही है। करने के पहले या बाद की प्रार्थना Ex:  also called New Man New Man or The Christian regenerated by grace करामत Ex:  Beseech the grace of the Holy Spirit करिपा Ex:  Bless God for the grace he has made करुणादृष्टि Ex:  Botanical species of plants from tropical America, cultivated in gardens as ornamental plants for variety and grace of their leaves and their flowers कामनीय, कामनीयक Ex:  but, for once, he hopes no grace कार्षि Ex:  By the grace of God किरिपा Ex:  Calendar for the year of grace 1615 कृपा Ex:  Divine grace उ:   सूर्यदेव की कृपा से ही वे महान योद्धा बने थे। क्रपा Ex:  Do me the grace to खुबसुरती Ex:  Do something good grace, have the good grace to छो Ex:  For special grace छो Ex:  For special grace जलवा Ex:  God have you in his holy grace! Die in the grace of God उ:   देश से बाहर रंगून में भी उनकी उर्दू कविताओं का जलवा जारी रहा। जिलवा Ex:  God pours His grace as he pleases ड्यूक या पादरी की पदवी Ex:  grace तमदुदुन Ex:  grace तर्हदारी Ex:  Grant me the grace थुति Ex:  He had good grace to keep this conduct दय Ex:  He made the thing a very bad grace दय Ex:  He made the thing a very bad grace दया Ex:  He was given his grace उ:   दया सुधा बरसेहूॅ सब काला। दयाआ Ex:  He, he puts grace to everything he does दरूदा Ex:  HEAVY says figuratively, speaking of the spirit, and who lack means of lightness, ease, quickness, finesse, grace दिलावेजी Ex:  His grace nonpareil दृकप्रिया Ex:  His style of grace and ease नाथित Ex:  If it gives you such a thing, it will be a pure grace पसाउ, पसाऊ Ex:  In scripture, the Virgin is called Full of grace प्रतिप्रिय Ex:  In terms of Mystique, it refers to the state of the soul that believes abandoned grace प्रभत ‡ Ex:  In terms of theology, Concurrent grace That God gives us during the course of our actions, to make them meritorious प्रवाँण Ex:  In terms of theology, dead OEuvre, Good work done by a man who is not in a state of grace प्रविकर्षण Ex:  In terms of theology, it means the natural state of man, as opposed to the state of grace प्रार्थना Ex:  In terms of Theology, Justice original, original grace उ:   इसका प्रार्थना गृह बहुत ही सुंदर है। प्रेयर Ex:  In the final accuracy, with extreme severity, without any grace प्रैय Ex:  In the year of grace प्रैय Ex:  In the year of grace बंदानिवाजी Ex:  It also means it that by good grace given to someone beyond what is owed बंदानिवाजी Ex:  It also means it that by good grace given to someone beyond what is owed भ्राजथु Ex:  It also means Who of approval at what he does, who does things with talent, with grace मंदाक Ex:  It also means, in the words of scripture, the action and the effect of the grace to make men just मनोहरता Ex:  It also told the grace of God, As it please Providence मनोहरपन Ex:  It figuratively said of the Spirit and means Slow, lacking penetration, liveliness, lightness, grace मनोहारित्व Ex:  It is a grace that you can give him all the more easily it can be drawn accordingly to मान बढाना Ex:  It is by preventing grace of God मान बढ़ाना Ex:  It is lent to it with a good grace, with the best grace in the world मानोज्ञक Ex:  It is said in particular a choice of words and turns, from which result the grace and ease of language or style माफ़ी अवधि Ex:  It is said in the same direction comes from the grace of God मारूजा Ex:  It m 'did well expect this grace मुहलतअ Ex:  It means in terms of Theology, Making just by the action of grace मेहर Ex:  It mediates for him to have his grace उ:   वह २००, २५० और ३०० की मेहर भी ठुकरा देता है। मेहर Ex:  It mediates for him to have his grace उ:   वह २००, २५० और ३०० की मेहर भी ठुकरा देता है। मेहरबानी Ex:  It was particularly among Catholics, of each of the seven sacraments of the New Law, instituted by Jesus Christ, to confer grace they are a मेहरबानी Ex:  It was particularly among Catholics, of each of the seven sacraments of the New Law, instituted by Jesus Christ, to confer grace they are a यौवलक्षण Ex:  Keep grace रत्ति Ex:  Keep innocence, baptismal grace रम्र Ex:  Letters of thanks, or just Thanks, Letters with which the sovereign granted the grace of a criminal रहमत Ex:  Louis by the grace of God King of France उ:   इसका निर्माण हाफिज रहमत खाँ ने ११८१- ८२ हिजरी में करवाया। रानाई Ex:  Man's interior renovation through grace रियायत Ex:  New man, new man, Christian regenerated by grace उ:   यह चरखारी रियायत की राजधानी थी। रुक् Ex:  Pelagius monk Doctrine and his followers, concerning the relationship of nature and grace रूपसंपद्, रूपसंपत्ति Ex:  Persevere in grace रौनक़ Ex:  Prayer also means Request made by way of grace and with a kind of humility or less deference लगिमा Ex:  religious, Grace renews a man, we are renewed by baptism we are regenerated JESUS CHRIST by grace through baptism लवणिमा Ex:  Say grace before leaving the लवनाई० Ex:  Say the grace लसनि Ex:  She does everything with grace लालित्य Ex:  Speak, speak with grace उ:   रंगों का लालित्य उनके चित्रों की अन्य विशेषता है। लावण्य Ex:  taste notes, grace notes, Decorations can receive a main note उ:   सभी भाषाओं में यह लावण्य और रसात्मक है। लावन्य Ex:  The effectiveness of grace लियाकत Ex:  The figures of this group have full poses boldness and grace लुत्फ Ex:  The finer the graces of style, expressions Arrangements, towers that give finesse and grace style लुत्फ Ex:  The finer the graces of style, expressions Arrangements, towers that give finesse and grace style वनस् Ex:  The grace and lightness of deer विज्ञाप्तिका Ex:  The grace enlivens विनया Ex:  The grace in his soul opera विभूषणा Ex:  The grace of baptism विभूषित करना Ex:  The grace of God is in the interior व्रीड़न Ex:  The grace of God is inside शिष्टता Ex:  the grace of God! THANKS see उ:   कभी कभी, प्रेयोक्तियों के उपयोग को शिष्टता के समकक्ष माना जाता है। शोभा बढाना Ex:  The grace sanctifies our souls, our actions शोभा बढ़ाना Ex:  The grace sanctifies us शोभा Ex:  The inamissibilité of grace उ:   यहाँ के जलमंदिर की शोभा देखते ही बनती है। श्रिय Ex:  The justifying grace श्री Ex:  The law of nature, as opposed to the Old Law and the Law of grace उ:   यह भगवान श्री कृष्ण की लीलास्थली है। संप्रश्रय Ex:  The one, the one that has done some good, which any service rendered or granted some grace संप्रसाद Ex:  The operating grace सभ्यता Ex:  The sacraments are the channels through which God pours His grace उ:   इसकी सभ्यता ५,००० वर्षों से अधिक भी पुरानी है। सभ्यत्व Ex:  The sacraments confer grace समंचन Ex:  The sanctifying grace समयवेला Ex:  The secret anointing of grace सम्मानित करना Ex:  The writing says: Where sin abounded, grace abounded सिंगार, सिँगार Ex:  This criminal got his grace सुंदरई Ex:  This grace is tunable सुकृ़ति Ex:  This horse has grace in the movements सुकृ़ति Ex:  This horse has grace in the movements सुम्न Ex:  This statue lack of grace सौंदर्य Ex:  to be in a state of grace उ:   मधुपुर प्राकृतिक सौंदर्य से घिरा हुआ शहर है। हृणिया, हृणीया Ex:  to Rome, one referendum and the other signature, Prelates of the Rome court that the causes relate either to justice or grace हृणिया, हृणीया Ex:  to Rome, one referendum and the other signature, Prelates of the Rome court that the causes relate either to justice or grace ह्रणिया, ह्रणीया Ex:  Wearing only to give good air, to have good grace कला उ:   यह द्वीप में कला और संस्कृति का प्रधान स्थान है।
As verb : चित्रीकरण, चित्रीकार Ex:  Falling asleep in the Lord, die in grace सजाना Ex:  The operation of grace उ:   मीणा महिलाएं गहने के साथ खुद को सजाना पसंद करती हैं। साझना Ex:  Theologians say in the sense according to the flesh, in the order of material nature, as opposed to In the spirit, in the order of life spiritual grace or सिंगारना, सिँगारना Ex:  This girl has infinite grace सुशोभित करना Ex:  This woman is beautiful, but she has no grace
Other : आन Ex:  A local preacher said grace at the banquet . आभूषित करना Ex:  God's Creation of Humankind and their fall from God's grace करम Ex:  Ask for the grace of God, through His holy करम Ex:  be grace in grace गरिमा Ex:  ELIGIBILITY a law of grace उ:   'व्यासवाणी' भक्ति और साहित्यिक गरिमा के कारण इनकी प्रौढ़तम कृति है। श्रृंगार करना Ex:  , Sacrifice to the graces, thought by irony of someone who seeks to grace in his manner, in his style सौष्ठव Ex:  To be reconciled with God, the church, ask God for forgiveness of his sins and seek the grace through the sacraments
Grace ki paribhasha : isake pratyek pad men ek guru hota hai 0209 raaja ki krapa se praapt sahaayata tntrasaar ke anusaar ek mudra ka naam kisi vastu ka doosari vastu ke paas usaki shakti ya prerana se laaya jaana shrrangaarik cheshta man ka vah duःkhapoorn veg jo doosare ke kasht ko door karane ki prerana karata hai vyaktigat aur saamaajik jivan ki vah avastha jisamen logon ka aachaar vyavahaar bahut sudharakar uchchha ho chuka ho bina kisi pratikaar ki aasha ke dusare ki bhalaayi karane ki ichchha ya vratti
Grace synonyms
dignity agility finesse beauty dexterity ease poise elegance refinement style decency decorum etiquette adroitness manners allure polish comeliness symmetry pliancy smoothness cultivation breeding finish form attractiveness tact address consideration pleasantness nimbleness tastefulness propriety suppleness balance mannerliness shapeliness gracefulness lissomeness lithesomeness tenderness compassion generosity goodness kindness kindliness responsiveness reprieve indulgence lenity pardon benevolence favor beneficence benefaction leniency forbearance clemency quarter charity good will compassionateness caritas blessing thanksgiving invocation benediction petition bedeck decorate adorn crown glorify elevate enrich dignify ornament distinguish enhance garnish honor laureate set off
Grace antonyms
clumsiness bad manners indecency disproportion imbalance ignorance thoughtlessness ugliness crudeness neglect ineptness tactlessness mercilessness unforgiveness hatred cruelty harshness disfavor meanness malevolence unkindness dishonor condemn degrade humiliate shame decrease demote denounce disgrace lower reduce hurt uglify
Usage of Grace in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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