Grain meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Grain
As noun : अनाज Ex:  He went to the flour mill to get the grain ground. उ:   यहा अनाज मंडी है,ढेरसारे सरकारी विभाग है।
अपग्रह Ex:  a grain of sand एक डेढ रत्ती की तौल Ex:  The sifting of grain from the chaff is done sometime in March-April. एक डेढ़ रत्ती की तौल Ex:  Here is a shipment of grain for West Africa. एक बहुत छोटी तोल Ex:  Carl measured the grain out a cup at a time . कंकड़ी Ex:  He measured out the grain little by little . कण Ex:  They weighed out the grain carefully . उ:   बाद में ये ही कण मेसॉन कहलाए। कनीरा Ex:  This plan diverted valuable resources to grain production खाजिक Ex:  Ceres the growth of the grain खु Ex:  Photographs of ripening grain गारित्र Ex:  In some lands it is profitable to grow grain ग्रेन Ex:  Some grain crops are also grown in the driest areas. चूड़ामाणि Ex:  However, the story may still, in part, contain some grain of truth. जीवसाधन Ex:  These missions brought grain तत्वभाव Ex:  Rice cultivars are often classified by their grain shapes and texture. तन्तुरचना Ex:  Still, grain was the largest export commodity of the Commonwealth. तौल की सबसे छोटी इकाई Ex:  The price of grain increased by a factor of ten. धान्य Ex:  Meat was more prestigious and more expensive than grain or vegetables. उ:   कुछ लोग पक्षी की तरह चुन कर धान्य का सेवन करते हैं। निवाप Ex:  0.064 g calcium carbonate is equivalent to one grain of hardness. प्रकृतिभाव Ex:  As he jumped off of the back of his grain truck बिज Ex:  Furthermore, it ran on grain alcohol instead of gasoline. बीआ Ex:  The grain also has many industrial uses बीज Ex:  Its main role throughout its history was the transport of grain to the capital. उ:   बीज मार्च या जुलाई में बो देना चाहिए। बीजरुह Ex:  Although it was mainly used for shipping grain बीजा Ex:  Because the wood grain on printing blocks ran horizontally उ:   यहाँ साल, सागौन, साजा और बीजा और बाँस के वृक्षों की अधिकता है। बीहन Ex:  Against the grain of Indian politicians of the time भोगार्ह्य Ex:  It also suggested that eating whole grain bread मन्वाद्य Ex:  Amsterdam distributed grain to the major cities of Belgium लांचुल Ex:  Workers were paid in grain वंशतंडुल Ex:  Egypt mainly exported grain विप्लुट् Ex:  Caesar tightly regulated the purchase of state-subsidised grain विस्पंद Ex:  A grain of rice वीरभाव Ex:  A grain of wheat sometimes makes more than sixty वृत्तचेष्टा Ex:  Action exerted on the grain disease called Nielle शीत्य Ex:  Agriculture Cleaning grain to the average of the van सजीया Ex:  Bale where there is still some grain सजीह Ex:  Buy a grain boisselée स्वभाव Ex:  chauler grain उ:   फिर भी इनके स्वभाव में रुक्षता का दोष नहीं आया। स्वाकार Ex:  Clean grain van with
Other : कणिका Ex:  The 50 BMG 12.7 x 99 NATO has 290 grain H2O cartridge case capacity. किरच Ex:  They are typically fed on grain supplemented by grazing किरचा Ex:  When planing against the grain झिरी Ex:  Assimilates become redirected to grain production तन्तु Ex:  Although the Commonwealth was Europe's largest grain producer दाना Ex:  Staining between grain boundaries may be visible in dyed imitations. उ:   दाना छाँ में धर दीजीयो। फसल Ex:  The 5.56x45mm with 55 grain bullet उ:   पान की फसल की बुवाई चैत्रा माह में की जाती है। मिज़ाज़ Ex:  In 2003 Kazakhstan harvested 17.6 million tons of grain in gross रवा Ex:  As Rome relied heavily on imports of grain from Egypt रेशा Ex:  The Romans relied heavily on grain shipments from Egypt उ:   इन धमनियों में सफेद या हरे रंग का मणिम रेशमी रेशा पाया जाता है।
Grain ki paribhasha : kisi chij ka bahut chhota tukad jo dikhaayi na de ya kathinaayi se dikhaayi pade thode aksharon ya shabdon men kaha hua aisa pad ya vachan jo bahut arth prakat karata ho sada bana rahanevaala mool ya pradhaan gun ek aangareji taul jo ek jau ke baraabar hoti hai bijaisaar vraksh jisaki lakadi majaboot hoti hai phoolavaale vrakshon ka garbhaand jisase vraksh akurit hokar utpann hota he vah ann ki upaj jo varsh ke pratyek ayan men hoti hai
Grain synonyms
cereal kernel mote morsel whit spark speck pellet scrap modicum tittle iota jot trace fragment scintilla molecule atom crumb bit mite smidgen scruple particle drop corn grist granule ounce fiber direction pattern character surface tooth current nap staple tendency weave warp and woof weft tissue make-up striation
Grain antonyms
whole lot
Usage of Grain in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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fabianno 8 November, 2024 Your page is very cool, i have bookmarked it.
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