Grandson meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Grandson
As noun : दौहित्र Ex:  Arjun was grandson of Bhishma उ:   जिनके दौहित्र गौतम बुद्ध थे।
पयोत्र Ex:  Under Genghis Khan's grandson Batu and Golden Horde पोता Ex:  `Abdu'l-Bahá appointed his eldest grandson उ:   इस भव्य महल को शुद्ध सफेद रंग से पोता गया है।
Other : नाती Ex:  Vittorio Emanuele II resided in the palazzo until 1871. His grandson उ:   रूक्‍मणी नाती एक किला है। पोत्र Ex:  De Charney's grandson was Jean de Charney who died at the battle of Poitiers.
Grandson ki paribhasha : ek yajnapaatr jo pota naamak yaajak ke paas rahata hai koochi jisase gharon men choona phera jaata hai
Usage of Grandson in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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