Gravelly meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Gravelly
As adjective :
अकंठ Ex:  Heavy clays are unsuitable, as are soils of a gravelly or dry sandy nature. अपध्वांत Ex:  He had an extremely distinctive gravelly voice कड़कस Ex:  gravelly Fruit, Fruit whose heart or flesh contains small clusters of a kind of gravel कर्कश कुरव बजरीमय विरुक्ष
Other : कँकरीला Ex:  Conte gravelly
Gravelly synonyms
dusty rough grainy abrasive crumbly friable loose lumpy permeable porous rasping sandy scratchy branlike calculous in particles pulverant sabulous low grating husky thick gruff harsh inarticulate sepulchral throaty growling glottal raucous discordant blatant cracked dry indistinct jarring piercing ragged scratching strident uneven whispering croaking croaky breathy croupy squawking stertorous stridulous chalky crumbling fine impalpable mealy granular pulverulent arenaceous arenose branny floury pulverized
Gravelly antonyms
cowardly spineless fine smooth afraid dulcet thin polite soothing soft nice solid
Usage of Gravelly in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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