Grease meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Grease
As noun : आवसा Ex:  I grease my bicycle regularly.
ग्रीस Ex:  The chemical mechanism employed is the conversion of grease to a form of soap. उ:   ग्रीस की ओर उसके बढ़ते हुए कदम रोक दिए गए। चर्बी Ex:  , grease his boots उ:   पेट की चर्बी घटती है। चिकनाई लगाना Ex:  In machinery, grease Worker मांसतेज Ex:  The one, the one that removes grease from clothes, fabrics मांससमुद्धवा Ex:  Laine greasy, Raw wool which is not freed of grease मांसस्नेह शितिमांस स्नेहवर हिंस्त्रा
As verb : चिकना करना Ex:  Apply grease
Other : ओंगन Ex:  Use lubricant to grease the lock. ग्रीज Ex:  The dog licked off the grease . उ:   धातुतल भी स्वच्छ करना चाहिए मुरचा, मैला, ग्रीज आदि हटा लेना चाहिए। चरबी Ex:  Although grease will normally adhere to skin or clothing चर्बी लगाना Ex:  To remove oil and grease चिकनाई Ex:  It also means Who is stained with grease उ:   चिकनाई कम हो जाने से रोगों का मुकाबला करने की शक्ति कम हो जाती है। चिकनापन Ex:  It also said some grease that appear in the broth चिकनाहट Ex:  It fell grease on her dress
Grease ki paribhasha : saphed ya kuchh pile rng ka ek chikana gaadha padaarth jo praaniyon ke sharir men or bahut se paudhon aur vrakshon men bhi paaya jaata hai gaadha kiya hua tel mishrit koi padaarth jo kaagaj chipakaane, jild bndi, karane, rabar aadi jodne, kal purjon aadi ko chalata rakhane ke kaam men istemaal kiya jaata hai gaadi ke pahiye ki dhuri men lagaane ke kaam aanevaala tail mail aadi saaph karake nikhaarana ghi, tela, charabi aadi chikane padaarth yoonaan naamak desh jo yorap ke pooraba—dakshin men hai
Grease synonyms
lubricant oil lard tallow vegetable oil drippings animal oil unctiousness unctuosity butter slick anoint corrupt tamper fix influence entice buy off do business pay off take care of oil someone's palm
Usage of Grease in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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