Greed meaning in hindi
As noun : अंछया Ex:  my greed was the instrument of my destruction
अंछया Ex:  my greed was the instrument of my destruction गोरीसर Ex:  Bolshevik leaders are motivated only by personal greed and Tintin discovers छक Ex:  A man of great greed in memory of the main character in Molière's L'Avare तिरसना Ex:  A man of great greed in memory of the main character in Molière's L'Avare तिरिसना Ex:  be plagued by greed, greed of usurers तिश्नाह Ex:  Eating with avidity, with extreme greed तिसना Ex:  He refused time to talk, but greed untied his tongue तिस्टा Ex:  He refuses all, he deprives himself of all by avarice, by pure greed तृश्ना Ex:  He showed all this case a terrible greed तृष्णा Ex:  It is also said, in a figurative sense in speaking of a gain which is not enough for the greed of someone उ: तृष्णा शून्य जीवन केवल विपश्यना से संभव है। नित्पृह Ex:  It is greed tax मुखशोष Ex:  It is no use figuratively, and he did not say that the people against the greed रँहचटा Ex:  Locking in a trunk , speaking of things that are tightened by greed लालच Ex:  Nothing can satisfy their greed उ: परिस्थितियां उसे लालच की ओर धकेलती जा रही हैं । लालस Ex:  PREY also said a Booty Do in the War, and in general Any of thing we seizes with violence, with a kind of greed उ: भारत सरकार ने सीताराम लालस को पद्मश्री पुरस्कार से सम्मानित किया। लालसा Ex:  The greed of gain उ: नई कविता में जीवन का पूर्ण स्वीकार करके उसे भोगने की लालसा है। लोलता Ex:  To criticize someone a greed समुत्कंठा Ex:  Who of the two kinds of greed सरभ Ex:  , The extravagance and greed are the two extremes
Other : अराति Ex:  A mans greed for money leads him to do anything. चटोरापन Ex:  The greed for gold led to the discovery of the process for its purification लिप्सा Ex:  The sin of pride, greed लोभ Ex:  These refinements greed eventually the blaser उ: हर जगह लोभ एवं भ्रष्टाचार का बोलबाला हो गया।
Greed ki paribhasha : doosare ke padaarth ko lene ki kaamana praapti ke liye aakul karanevaali ichchha kisi padaarth ko praapt karane ki bahut adhik utkntha ya abhilaasha koi padaartha, visheshataः dhan aadi praapt karane ki itani adhik aur aisi kaamana jo kuchh bhaddi aur bedhngi ho
ExamplesGreed synonyms
longing hunger avarice excess selfishness edacity covetousness indulgence rapacity voracity acquisitiveness ravenousness avidity cupidity eagerness intemperance craving gluttony esurience piggishness gormandizing graspingness insatiableness swinishness the gimmies Greed antonyms
apathy indifference dislike distaste benevolence generosity Usage of Greed in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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