Green meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Green
As noun : अकलखुरा Ex:  the ball rolled across the green and into the bunker
अघोर Ex:  the first scatterings of green अजननी Ex:  There are green fields astride the road. अनुभवहीन Ex:  Ante-room is decorated with cactus and green plants. अपक्व Ex:  The sight of thousands of sheep in the lush green medow is enthralling. अपक्वआ Ex:  He is wearing a green shirt. अभ्यसुय Ex:  I will race you to the stadium.
Thick black clouds raced across the sky.
She races at all the big meetings.
The patient had to be raced to hospital.
The driver waited for the green signal,his engine racing.
अश्रृत Ex:  Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants convert Co2 and water into food using energy from sunlight. अस्विन्न Ex:  She was wearing a green bow. आँखफोड़टिड्डा Ex:  A pea is a small green vegetable . इदानींतन Ex:  Her green eyes f lashed with anger . ईर्ष्यालु Ex:  We usually identify green with grass . कचा Ex:  That grass is green is a known fact . कच्चा Ex:  Oh, I feel a little green about the gills . उ:   कच्चा आलू, जमीकंद, केला आदि, कुस्वाद होते हैं। कमरंद Ex:  This little green ball will ripen into an apple . कषण Ex:  I'm torn between red and green . काँची Ex:  I prefer green and purple for this room . काच्या Ex:  Leaves are normally green in color कारवी Ex:  The red and the green form the third big contrast काषण Ex:  He consumed large amounts of green vegetables, fruits, and fresh milk everyday. किंजल्क Ex:  First, the green coffee beans are soaked in water. गुलजार Ex:  The four separate DNA strands are coloured red, blue, green and yellow. उ:   “अचानक” गुलजार द्वारा निर्देशित एक थ्रिलर फिल्म है। गोड़सिहा Ex:  Immature soybeans may be boiled whole in their green pod and served with salt घास का मैदान Ex:  However, the color of the green is not consistent घासदार मैदान Ex:  There are green benches on either side of the house डहडहा Ex:  Most parrots are predominantly green डाही Ex:  In a city with few green areas नम Ex:  Export bananas are picked green उ:   इसकी विशेषताएँ शीत जलवायु तथा नम जाड़ा हैं। नया Ex:  Once the ball is on the green the ball is usually putted into the hole. उ:   डे उसका नया संस्थापन ऑल्डर्सगेट में तैयर करते थे। निर्दट, निर्दड Ex:  Red, white, blue, and green fireworks were launched along with his ashes. नौसिखिया Ex:  On sighting a green apple नौसिखुवा Ex:  Bangkok is known for its large green sections within the city centre पाल्हवना Ex:  Non-primitivist green anarchists पिअर ‡ Ex:  ” Absinthe is typically of a natural green color पीतराग Ex:  Traditional absinthes take their green color from chlorophyll पीतवर्ण Ex:  This flag had green at the top पीरो Ex:  BChb roughly resembles the chlorophyll molecule found in green plants पीला Ex:  Ouagadougou's citizens also travel in readily available green cabs उ:   यहां पीला प्रभावी और हरा अप्रभावी लक्षण था। प्रतिनव Ex:  The green is especially busy on Fridays and Saturdays. फरहर ‡ Ex:  Munich is a green city with numerous parks. बढ़ा दिन का Ex:  Catechins are highest in concentration in white and green teas लहलह Ex:  Taiwan is famous for the making of Oolong tea and green tea विपांडु Ex:  British racing green came to dominate the field for the next decade. विपांडुर Ex:  The taxi service is named Karwa and the cars have a sea green colour. विम्लान Ex:  With a few exceptions among the green algae शलाटु Ex:  The chloroplasts of green plants are surrounded by two membranes शादाबी ‡ Ex:  16,000 bryophytes, 11,000 ferns and 8,000 green algae. शोण Ex:  In green plants, chloroplasts are surrounded by two lipid-bilayer membranes. संस्पर्द्धी, संस्पर्वी Ex:  The city is very green सब्जा Ex:  A replica of his statue, rendered in green fiberglass resides in the museum. समीहन Ex:  A green island सरजीवन Ex:  A green of a beautiful drawing सरसब्ज Ex:  A ramée green साग भाजी Ex:  Agriculture The place where the green hay साद्य Ex:  Blue Feldspar, pearl, opal, green सारँग, सारँग Ex:  Building where the green wheat sheaves and where beats the सुहाया Ex:  Character of what is still green सुहावना Ex:  Coat of green color that designates उ:   दाली का मौसम सुहावना है। सेर्ष्य Ex:  Color apple-green, green Nile सोहाइन ‡ Ex:  Damascus scarlet, yellow, green सौँहना Ex:  Dry wood burns better than green wood स्पर्द्धी, स्पर्धी Ex:  Dyestuff Botanical green plant parts हरयारी Ex:  From the still green grass हरयाल, हरयाला Ex:  Game that is played with ivory balls which grows with sticks called tails on a table filled with ledges or padded strips, covered with a green cloth हरयाली Ex:  Gender Bird Sparrow, whose plumage is green उ:   बारिशों के दौरान आमतौर पर शुष्क पहाड़ और तट पर हरयाली फैल जाती है। हरा कपड़ा Ex:  genus Tree Oleaceae, whose foliage is always green and bears olives हरा करना Ex:  go green, green color हरा भरा करना Ex:  Go to hell green हरा भरा Ex:  Gold does well with the green हरा होना Ex:  green Cabinet हराभरा Ex:  green Tapestry or simply Verdure Tapestry tapestry that represents mainly trees उ:   एक डेढ़ फुट का यह हराभरा पौधा कितने ही गुणों से भरपूर है। हरारंग Ex:  He said specifically of different green colors prepared painting or dyeing हरित Ex:  It is also said green Cradle उ:   एक राष्ट्रीय हरित प्राधिकरण का भी गठन किया गया है। हरिद्राभ Ex:  Lying on the green हरियाल Ex:  Natural History Kind little green frog हरियाली Ex:  oak Sort of that retains its green leaves all year उ:   पहाड होने के कारण यहां चा‍रों तरफ हरियाली है। हरी Ex:  of both genders who pulls on the green उ:   नारियल, इमली, हरी मिर्च का प्रयोग होता है। हादिस Ex:  Picking fruit so green it is a murder, it's a real murder हिरसी Ex:  Playing Green, Playing, in May, a kind of game where they were obliged, under certain penalties, to always self-picked some leaves on the same day , and everyone tried to surprise people without green अनाड़ी
As adjective : हरा Ex:  green Cabinet उ:   हरा हीरा सबसे दुर्लभ है। हरिअरि Ex:  It also says that makes eating green herbs horse हरित् Ex:  It is said to similar effect Des green arcades हरिदंबर Ex:  Latin phrase meaning Forever green हर्या Ex:  Only verjuice said of a wine that is too green
Other : ताज़ा Ex:  Bananas are classified either as dessert bananas or as green cooking bananas. उ:   विश्व का २२ प्रतिशत ताज़ा पानी इन झीलों में पाया जाता है। ताजा Ex:  Most production for local sale is of green cooking bananas and plantains उ:   इसे देखकर औपनिवेशिक वास्‍तुशिल्‍प की याद ताजा हो आती है। लहलहा Ex:  Black tea has a longer shelf-life than green tea. लहालह Ex:  The species was originally called the "blue frog" despite its green colour. स्फूर्तिमान Ex:  Everything is green in spring
Green ki paribhasha : phal aadi jo dal se tootakar turnt aaya ho angreji ke mistar shabd ka jaraman samaanaarthavaachi shabd dharati ka vah lnba chaud vibhaag jo ek prakaar ka rng jo haladi ya sone ke rng se milata julata hota hai aur jo haladi, harasingaar aadi se banaaya jaata hai jisaka sngathana, srajana, aavishkaar ya aavirbhaav bahut haal men hua ho door door par pad hua taage ka vah dobh jisapar daraji bakhiya karate hain har ya mahaadev ki stri paarvati hare hare ped paudhon ya ghaas ka samooh ya vistaar rohitaashv ke putr ka naam jamindaar ke khet ki jutaayi men asaamiyon ka hal bail dekar ya kaam karake sahaayata karana
Green synonyms
grassy lush raw tender fresh verdant leafy maturing supple unripe juvenile infant growing budding recent immature flourishing callow pliable puerile unseasoned youthful burgeoning developing sprouting foliate pullulating bosky half-formed undecayed undried unfledged ungrown verduous tenderfoot innocent credulous gullible ignorant inexpert ingenuous naive unpolished unskillful unsophisticated untrained unversed unpracticed unconversant wet behind the ears fir sap jade sage moss pine forest olive blue-green peacock apple spinach willow verdigris malachite beryl chartreuse kelly aquamarine lime bice greenish-blue vert viridian ecological biodegradable environment-friendly environmental environmentally-safe field lawn turf plaza common terrace sward grassplot
Green antonyms
healthy experienced dying adult mature shrinking withered expert skilled withering old worn
Usage of Green in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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