Grow meaning in hindi
As verb : अंगम Ex:  Wild plants grow in wanton profusion
आना Ex:  I grow spuds in my garden. उ: ४ आना का नाममात्र सदस्यता शुल्क भी शुरू किया गया था। आवना Ex:  These weeds will grow like tumbleweeds. उगाना Ex:  Plants grow well in any substratum. उ: यह जाति का पारम्परिक पेशा पान के पत्ते उगाना व बेचना होता है। उतपानना Ex:  Children grow very fast. उतपानना Ex:  Children grow very fast. उपजाना Ex:  They grow mustard in their fields. उपनामा Ex:  The leaves will grow back in a month or so . उपानना Ex:  They will grow well in this soil . कनवारा Ex:  Don't worry, your hair will grow out again . झलौवा Ex:  Marijuana grow operations busts have decreased in 2005 पनपना Ex:  There are no conditions where all microorganisms would grow पर्यावर्त Ex:  Chicks grow very quickly and are full-grown in 12–14 months पालना Ex:  Soon, however, food runs out and they grow weak. उ: यह नदी उत्तर बिहार के मिथिला क्षेत्र की संस्कृति का पालना भी है। पिंघूरा Ex:  Marginated Tortoises grow very rapidly. पुनरागम,नरागमन Ex:  Tel Aviv continued to grow in 1926 पैदा करना Ex:  The total population did not grow during the 21 years of the war बढ़ना Ex:  The city continued to grow बिड़वना Ex:  The financial service industry began to grow in the state as well बढ़ना Ex:  New teeth grow in at the back of the mouth वुरूद Ex:  Since trees cannot grow in the Arctic climate संवर्द्धन, संवर्धन Ex:  Most fungi grow as thread-like filaments called hyphae समागमन Ex:  Some wildflowers that grow in the area समाय Ex:  Bucharest was restored and continued to grow in size and prosperity. समुत्पादन Ex:  It is mainly bacteria that grow in it हो जाना Ex:  As the city began to grow आगे बढना जाना उ: हेमकुंड को स्न्रो लेक के नाम से भी जाना जाता है। फैलना
Other : बढना Ex:  Leaves are spirally arranged and may grow 2.7 metres long and 60 cm wide. बढ़ना Ex:  Dole and Fyffes grow their own bananas in Ecuador उ: दरअसल, जीवन में उम्र का बढ़ना न रोका जा सकने वाला गुण है। बढाना Ex:  The economy has continued to grow slowly
Grow ki paribhasha : vistaar ya parimaan men adhik hona paani paane ke kaaran phir se hara ho jaana ek prakaar ki ghaas jo nichi bhoomi men hoti hai vah ghaas jo pahali varsha ke uparaant kheton men ugati hai vakta ke sthaan ki or chalana ya usapar praapt hona ek sthaan se doosare sthaan par praapt hone ke liye gati men hona raassiyon ke sahaare tanga hua ek prakaar ka gahara khatola ya vistara jisapar bachchon ko sulaakar idhar se udhar jhulaate hain paudha ya ann aadi utpann karana
ExamplesGrow synonyms
widen sprout cultivate develop raise flourish breed increase spread build thrive swell rise produce gain multiply expand advance age turn mature thicken maturate arise dilate stretch enlarge wax germinate issue vegetate extend pullulate propagate abound stem heighten amplify shoot augment luxuriate mount originate ripen burgeon fill out branch out burst forth come to be get bigger get taller pop up spring up Grow antonyms
narrow destroy ignore repress compress decrease lessen cease demolish raze languish ruin recede retreat abridge condense curtail shorten shrink neglect halt stop drop lower diminish reduce fail lose decline contract hold keep stunt Usage of Grow in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or intransitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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