Grown up meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Grown up
As noun : ओसरिया Ex:  Having grown up in Chicago's tenderloin district
जवान Ex:  " Several rumors and misconceptions have grown up around the film उ:   धीरे-धीरे वह जवान हो गया। जुवान् जोअंडा नवयुवा नवशोभ बालवाह्य युवन्य युवान, युवानक यौवनस्थ रसमाता रसमातृका व्यस्क व्यक्त् व्यस्क उ:   व्यस्क खेलों में फिर से शुरू करना असामान्य है। शर्कुर
Grown up synonyms
miss gentleman lady mister woman mr. mrs. grown person mam ms. developed mature fully developed of age ripened tall elder full-blown perfected prime nubile in one's prime ready prepared overdue plump accomplished aged completed conditioned consummate enlightened enriched finished fit increased informed judicious learned matured mellow sagacious seasoned skilled skillful sound timely usable versed well-timed wise filled out fully grown in readiness experienced qualified trained completely developed in full bloom schooled well-developed
Grown up antonyms
child youngster adolescent infant tiny blah unimportant baby babyish infantile juvenile selfish ungenerous little small bland dull ungiving humble shy unconfident itsy undeveloped new underdeveloped unripe immature unprepared inexperienced inopportune unfavorable untimely unready
Usage of Grown up in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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