Grubby meaning in hindi
As noun : अनैतिक Ex:  He is always in grubby clothes. उ: अनैतिक यौन सम्बन्धों के लिए कठोरतम दण्ड का विधान किया गया है।
As adjective :
काहल— कुचैल कोकट गंदा गदां घासलेटो घुन लगा हुआ घुन संबंधी चिचटक ध्याम प्रम्लान मलिच्छ ‡ मैलाकुचैला
ExamplesGrubby synonyms
shabby unkempt messy grimy grungy seedy squalid filthy black foul frowzy impure nasty scruffy sloppy slovenly smutty sordid unclean untidy mucky uncleanly unwashed soiled besmeared scuzzy Grubby antonyms
sterile clean good nice pure cleanly dressed-up neat Usage of Grubby in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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