Grudge meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Grudge
As noun : अनिच्छापूर्वक देना Ex:  holding a grudge
अप्रसनन्ता प्रकट करना Ex:  Sally is still nursing a grudge against Mary . अप्रसन्नतापूर्वक लेना या देना Ex:  It has a grudge, he has a grudge against him अप्रसाद Ex:  It keeps him grudge ईर्षा करना Ex:  , Have a grudge against someone a, Having animosity against him ईर्ष्या रखना कुड‌़कुड़ खुन्दास जलन या ईर्ष्या दुश्मनी उ:   राजस्थान के दो राजपूत परिवारो कि आपसी दुश्मनी को दर्शाती ये फिल्म। नाइत्तिफाकी पुराना झगडा पुराना झगड़ा मनमुटाव रंजिश लाग रखना लोही ‡ विद्वेष करना विद्वेष व्यधिक्षेप शिकायत उ:   शिकायत 14 अगस्त को दर्ज कराई गई थी । सामि
Other : आँट Ex:  Keep a grudge against someone, keep him from hatred ईर्षा Ex:  We says the same annealed A grudge उ:   बल्गारिया अन्य राज्यों को ईर्षा और द्वेष को दृष्टि से देखने लगा। कीना कुनह गांठ शिकवा
Grudge ki paribhasha : doosare ki badhati dekhakar honevaala jalan philavaanon ka ek snket jisaka vyavahaar haathi ko chalaane men hota hai abhi- mat va ipsit ki praapti hone par bhi uddhat garv ya maan ke kaaran anaadar ya ghranaabhaav prasannataa, krapa ya anukoolata ka abhaav kisi bhoola, truti, dosh aadi ki baat jo man men ho
Grudge synonyms
grievance enmity bitterness resentment malice ill will animus antipathy bad blood animosity rancor hatred injustice malignancy spite pique malevolence spleen venom spitefulness maliciousness aversion peeve dislike injury hate pet peeve bone to pick envy pinch covet mind deny refuse begrudge stint complain hold back be reluctant be stingy
Grudge antonyms
friendship good will happiness liking friendliness favor forgiveness kindness love like sympathy loving respect grant sanction be content be generous offer allow be happy approve
Usage of Grudge in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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