Gruesomely meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Gruesomely
As adjective : अघोर Ex:  He was gruesomely wounded
घोरदर्शन घोराकार, घोराकृत्ति चिह्नकारी डँकना दूध्र फाड़खाऊ ‡ बैहर ‡ भंक भयकर भयदर्शी भयानक उ:   जहाज कुछ ही दूर गया होगा कि भयानक तूफान आ गया। भरुंड भीमयु भीमल भीषणक भैभान भैयान मेआवन विभीषणा विशंकट शरटु सम् द्दंड
Gruesomely ki paribhasha : saahity men nau rason ke antargat chhatha ras
Gruesomely synonyms
insanely unwholesomely weirdly
Usage of Gruesomely in sentences

The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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