Guarded meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Guarded
As noun : अप्रमत्त Ex:  he guarded his privacy jealously
प्रणिहित Ex:  Both parties have been guarded about what was said and agreed that night. यत्त Ex:  Every passage to the city was guarded by gates and towers संयत्त Ex:  Tycho guarded his data closely सतर्क Ex:  He was arrested and closely guarded, guarded rigorously सहस्त्राक्ष Ex:  THEME expressed in the Lower Empire, a Province guarded by a legion सावचेत ‡ Ex:  where small children are guarded and monitored during the day
As adjective : महफ़ूज़ Ex:  The sector which was attacked was guarded by four divisions.
Other : संयत Ex:  Technically the Wall remained guarded for some time after November 9
Guarded synonyms
cautious reserved restrained circumspect calculating attentive cagey canny careful chary discreet gingerly leery noncommittal prudent reticent safe vigilant wary watchful on the lookout overcareful overcautious with eyes peeled
Guarded antonyms
incautious rash extroverted unguarded careless uncareful outgoing bold unsuspicious unwatchful
Usage of Guarded in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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