Guardianship meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Guardianship
As noun : अभिभोवकत्व Ex:  Mabel Tolkien had assigned the guardianship of her sons to Fr.
संरक्षण Ex:  Accept a gift, an offer, a condition, a guardianship उ:   बालक संरक्षण चाहता है और ममत्व का भूखा होता है। संवार Ex:  Citizens are under the guardianship laws स‌ंरक्षकत्व Ex:  elliptically The guardianship account goes at the expense of oyants
Guardianship ki paribhasha : haani ya naash aadi se bachaane ka kaam
Guardianship synonyms
custody safekeeping watch protection trust tutelage wardenship tutorship
Usage of Guardianship in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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