Guileless meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Guileless
As noun : अकपट
अकुटिल उत्तानहृदय नरेह निष्कपट सादालौह सीनासाफ सुदक्षिण सूधा
Other : निश्छल मासूम उ:   उस मासूम बच्चे को पंडितो की बईमानी का पता नहीं था।
Guileless ki paribhasha : jo kisi prakaar ka chhal ya kapat na jaanata ho
Guileless synonyms
unsophisticated aboveboard artless candid frank genuine ingenuous innocent naive natural open simple sincere straightforward truthful unaffected unstudied simple-minded undesigning
Guileless antonyms
artful clever crafty deceitful dishonest guileful cunning tricky
Usage of Guileless in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi. 
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