Gunk meaning in hindi
As noun :
चिपचिपा पदार्थ
ExamplesGunk synonyms
fetter chain tie-in binding wire network manacle ligature nexus shackle cord band link fastening linkage hookup rope connection irons stickum adhesive plaster mud size gum concrete binder solder paste mucilage sand tar birdlime sealant mortar putty lute epoxy grout rubber cement excrement soil stain ground filth tarnish smut crud smudge dregs filthiness gook feculence sleaze rottenness dreck scuz spit slush guck glop yuck dust film quagmire swamp fen marsh moss bog quicksand silt fluid alluvium waste debris trash powder lees dross matter deposit slag precipitate precipitation grounds settling residuum solids scum mucus fungus grease slop goop manure refuse garbage dung sewage residue grit smoke ashes hobble restraint knot yoke ligament Gunk antonyms
cleanliness pureness sterility morality purity whole possessions Usage of Gunk in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi
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