Gutsy meaning in hindi
As adjective : अकादर Ex:  you have to admire her; it was a gutsy thing to do
उद्धर कठकरेजी जाँबाज जियार जोशीला तेज़ उ: इसकी खूबियाँ इसे दुनिया की सबसे तेज़ मारक मिसाइल बनाती है। दिलचला धौँताल पुरजोश प्रविसृत विपरिक्रांत वृषमन्यु शूष शेरदिल सत्ववान् सत्वशाली साहसकारी साहसी उ: वह साहसी और बलवान् था। हिम्मतवर
Gutsy ki paribhasha : bali ka putr jo shaap ke kaaran gadha ho gaya tha
ExamplesGutsy synonyms
spirited gallant determined courageous valiant plucky game indomitable intrepid mettlesome resolute spunky staunch unfearful gritty fearless audacious adventurous heroic daring chivalrous confident dashing dauntless defiant doughty firm foolhardy fortitudinous forward imprudent chin-up herolike Gutsy antonyms
cowardly timid afraid fearful weak meek cautious shy unadventurous Usage of Gutsy in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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