Habitation meaning in hindi
As noun : गृह Ex: John date human habitation in British Columbia to at least 11,500 years ago. उ: इन्होंने मोदी उद्योग गृह की स्थापना की।
निवा Ex: Mountains are generally less preferable for human habitation than lowlands निवास स्थान Ex: In spite of centuries of Roman habitation बसावट Ex: During the thousands of years of native habitation on the continent उ: इस शहर की बसावट जयपुर शहर के समान है। बसीत्यो Ex: A long habitation बासु ‡ Ex: building of ancient Greece who was intended for habitation of prytanes and still served to other civil and religious uses मकान Ex: He said usually a small housing generally charged at the ground floor of a house, near the door of input and intended for habitation of the concierge उ: अन्य शहरों में मकान अथवा दुकान खरीद सकते हैं। वसथ Ex: The habitation of this house is unhealthy वास Ex: A retreat, a peaceful habitation उ: इसकी अधिकतर जनंसख्या गांवों में वास करती है। संवसन
Other : आबादी Ex: Human habitation is limited to Agrihan उ: ब्राजील में दुनिया की सबसे बड़ी कैथोलिक आबादी है। आवास Ex: They thrived for a few centuries but after nearly 500 years of habitation उ: यहाँ की आधिकांश जन्संख्या के आवास पक्के हैं। घोष Ex: The area has been suitable for human habitation since ancient times उ: घोष सीमंतिनी संग गिरिवरधरन, करत नित केलि तहँ काम लाजें। निवास Ex: Dead and fallen trees are removed from near places of human habitation उ: यहां त्यागराज, कमलंबा और वनमिक नथर का निवास है। निवेश Ex: Human habitation within closed ecological systems in hostile environments उ: कम पूंजीगत निवेश से प्रौद्योगिकी विकास।
Habitation ki paribhasha : bahut se manushyon ka ghar banaakar rahane ka bhaav manushyon ke rahane ka sthaan ji divaar aadi se gherakar banaaya jaata hai
ExamplesHabitation synonyms
abode residence Usage of Habitation in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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