Haggard meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Haggard
As noun : अलसौंहा Ex:  Disturbing so a person or an animal that his air and his eyes something haggard
क्लांत Ex:  Having haggard eye, wild-eyed, haggard face ग्लपित तंद्रो थका माँदा थका हारा प्रम्लान प्रश्लथ विशीर्णँ सतंद्र सांगग्लानि सादित सूखा हुआ हसीर
As adjective : खडबडा Ex:  In terms of Falconry, Falcon haggard falcon that was taken after more than a moulting and that does not easily tamed खड़बड़ा दुबला पतला बनैला मरियल
Other : खूसट Ex:  The mine and fierce haggard
Haggard synonyms
spare skinny lean pale wan ashen drawn emaciated exhausted faded fatigued gaunt ghastly pallid scrawny shrunken starved thin tired wasted lank wearied wrinkled careworn fagged fretted pinched scraggy worn-down
Haggard antonyms
plump healthy fat thick colorful fresh hearty strong unworn
Usage of Haggard in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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