Halcyon meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Halcyon
As noun : खुशगवार Ex:  It is usual that in this phrase the halcyon days, which are seven days before the solstice winter and seven days, during which it is said that the halcyon nests and the sea is usually calm उ:   जिलिया क्षेत्र में बारिश से मौसम खुशगवार रहता है।
As adjective :
शांतिमय Ex:  Pertaining to the halcyon शान्त उ:   करोंदा भूख बढ़ाता है और पित्त को शान्त करता है।
Halcyon synonyms
bucolic still pastoral quiet balmy gentle golden happy harmonious serene soothing sunny tranquil untroubled at peace palmy
Halcyon antonyms
Usage of Halcyon in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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