Half hearted meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Half hearted
As adjective :
अधूरे मन से
Half hearted synonyms
perfunctory listless lackluster apathetic cool impassive indifferent neutral spiritless uninterested changing doubtful doubting fearful fickle halting hesitating infirm shaky tentative timid uncertain undecided undetermined unsettled unstable unsteady vacillating wavering weak wishy-washy wobbly faltering fluctuating hot-and-cold on-the-fence waffling weak-kneed wimpy lazy lethargic laid-back abstracted daydreaming disinterested dreamy dull enervated idle inattentive indolent inert languid languishing limp romantic sentimental slothful unconcerned fainã©ant incurious languorous moony energyless faineant spring fever indecisive chilly uncommitted phlegmatic unresolved unresponsive boring mild bland bloodless feeble diluted conventional flat humdrum insipid lifeless monotonous prosaic routine tedious unexciting vapid wearisome boiled down uninspiring white-bread without punch moderate temperate milk-warm slightly warm unlively warmish insensitive callous cruel unpleasant aloof antipathetic cold-blooded frigid hard harsh heartless icy mean nasty obdurate repellent repugnant stony tough uncongenial unemotional unfeeling unkind unmoved aversive uncaring uncharitable untouched skeptical slow unsure loath afraid averse unwilling reluctant backward delaying diffident disinclined unpredictable dawdling hanging back lacking confidence uneager blasã© emotionless passionless unexcited pendulous shilly-shally
Half hearted antonyms
lively enthusiastic desirous interested warm whole-hearted determined obstinate resolute stubborn unyielding definite willful energetic careful active caring hard-working responsive excited certain sure hot cooled happy unmanageable untamed exciting interesting strong violent wild bright keen cold compassionate kind merciful concerned involved feeling sensitive sympathetic believing decisive confident extroverted willing brave fearless eager unwavering ready bold unhesitant animated wholehearted
Usage of Half hearted in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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