Handicapped meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Handicapped
As noun : अंगविकल Ex:  Visually handicapped persons have various programms
अक्षम Ex:  She was burdened with the responsiblity of her handicapped father and three younger sisters. उ:   ये उपकरण कणों की गति को यथार्थ रूप में मापने में अक्षम होते हैं। खंडितविग्रह खोड विकलांग उ:   विकलांग और बुजुर्ग व्यक्तियों के लिए यहां एलिवेटर लगाए गए हैं।
Other : बाधित उ:   इससे अधिक खड़ी ढ़ाल भवन के दॄश्य को और बाधित करती।
Handicapped synonyms
disabled disadvantaged crippled wounded limited restricted burdened restrained stymied checked balked curbed hampered impeded foiled obstructed encumbered deterred blocked mentally disabled physically challenged physically disabled
Handicapped antonyms
healthy helped aided supported
Usage of Handicapped in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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