Handwriting meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Handwriting
As noun : लिखाई Ex:  Bold handwriting उ:   पढ़ाई लिखाई करने से पहले रोजी-रोटी का सवाल आ गया।
लिखावट Ex:  As the students handwriting was bad,it was intangible. लिपि Ex:  His handwriting is readable. उ:   ये फ़ारसी लिपि जानते थे। हस्तलिपि Ex:  Raucher recognized the "real" Dorothy's handwriting उ:   दिगम्बर दर्शन ताडपत्र हस्तलिपि गुरू की बस्ती में रखी हुई हैं। हस्तलेख Ex:  Study of the relationship between handwriting of people and their character or moral and physical state This उ:   हस्तलेख विशेषज्ञ पहले भी होते थे, विशेषतया विदेशों में। हस्ताक्षर Ex:  The handwriting can be read, it is full of patarafes उ:   अपना हस्ताक्षर स्वचालित रूप से जोड़ दिया जाएगा।
Other : ख़त Ex:  illegible handwriting लेख Ex:  elegant handwriting उ:   लेख की भाषा संस्कृत है।
Handwriting ki paribhasha : apane haath se likha hua apana naam jo kisi lekh aadi ke niche likha jaay haath ke likhe hue praachin grnth
Handwriting synonyms
manuscript writing scrawl chirography style mark scratching hand scribble longhand calligraphy hieroglyphics autography chicken scratch ductus griffonage manuscription pencraft penscript scrivenery scrivening
Usage of Handwriting in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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