Hang up meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Hang up
As noun : अनायोजित विराम Ex:  Please hang up the phone .
टाँगना Ex:  To hang up an excuse, a pretext to नाज़ुक समस्या बातचीत समाप्त करना वार्तालाप समाप्त करना
As verb : उदबंघ Ex:  Finally, I had to hang up on Jeff . उरमानापु Ex:  What I need is somewhere to hang up my hat . फोन रख देना लटकाना सम्मोहित होना
Hang up ki paribhasha : kisi ooanche sthaan se ek chhor laga ya tikaakar shesh bhaag niche tak is prakaar le jaana ki oopar ka chhor kisi aadhaar par tika ho aur niche ka niraadhaar ho kisi vastu ko kisi ooanche aadhaar se bahut thod sa lagaakar is prakaar atakaana ya thaharaana ki usaka praaya: sab bhaag us aadhaar se niche ki or ho
Hang up synonyms
inhibition disturbance dilemma restraint impasse difficulty problem reserve cut off prevent clog thwart halt intercept blockade deter hold up stall arrest close hinder plug stopper congest dam choke stonewall tackle charge barricade catch brake check occlude fill block out close out shut out close off interfere with shut off stop up take out of play decelerate delay sink slacken slow down slow up apprehend confine jail nab pinch bust withhold intern ice pick up pull in put away run in buttonhole send up annoy perplex bewilder perturb faze confuse puzzle upset distract shame rattle irk plague agitate mortify fluster stun bother disconcert dumbfound discomfit discompose discountenance distress bug chagrin nonplus discombobulate tease abash throw let down show up catch one short give a bad time give a hard time make a monkey of put in a hole put in a spot put on the spot put out of countenance throw into a tizzy overburden load cramp weight tax overload lade handicap saddle trammel discommode oppress weigh down make difficult saddle with chain repress bind manacle leash shackle curb hamstring drag feet hold captive put straitjacket on throw monkey wrench in counter elude nullify skip shake dash duck ditch outwit checkmate disappoint crimp dodge balk crab beat baffle bilk defeat foul up shake off bollix juke buffalo get around give the run-around give the slip run circles around run rings around shuffle off upset the apple cart depress discourage dishearten confront lick stump neutralize forbid obviate cancel negate counteract circumvent forestall ruin overcome annul preclude conquer upset the applecart give the run around render null and void cramp one's style dash one's hope entangle tie up get in the way drag one's feet tie one's hands fasten gimp entrammel put a crimp in disrupt freeze oppose shut down blow whistle on flag one aggravate disoblige exasperate try meddle give trouble make it tough put to trouble suppress outlaw avert interdict bridle enjoin taboo ward hold back sandbag hold down hold in keep in put on brakes intrude interlope tamper jam conflict interpose obtrude intermediate intercede remit barge in busybody butt in horn in step in intermit fool with get involved intermeddle mix in poke nose in implicate embroil ensnare flounder enmesh stick trap soil dirty cling entrap obscure shield terminate hide interrupt throttle mask monkey with proscribe rule out veto debar disallow nix kill spike cool cork bottle up gridlock put down zing forfend box in bring to screeching halt jam up keep lid on lock up pass on put a lock on put a stopper in put chill on put half nelson on throw cold water on narrow decrease shorten reduce diminish regulate define bound enclose surround circumscribe tether moderate shrink demarcate encircle modify qualify delimit contract contain constrict temper come down on delimitate inclose cool down demark hem in keep within bounds keep within limits pin down prelimit put on ice shut in lessen defer loaf dawdle hesitate falter postpone loiter back off let up take down choke off retardate reverse embog waive prolong put off dismiss scrub drop pigeonhole stay sideline table mothball give up prorogue hold off hold over lay aside put aside put on back burner put on hold grudge injure needle harm vex nettle pique harass persecute beset begrudge gall provoke get even louse up cramp style mystify confound corner snooker dead-end hang fire throw a monkey wrench into depend sling dangle wave attach swing append be pendent hang down hook up eject discontinue cease file reject adjourn exclude omit procrastinate eliminate protract break up count out cut short lay off stave off pink-slip inactivate lay on the table lay over put a stop to put an end to put on the shelf discomfort concentration enthrallment engagement involvement holding engrossment occupation preoccupation captivation intentness raptness shot bent dependence enslavement craving kick inclination jones sweet tooth monkey on back irritation pain teasing exasperation botheration affliction headache vexation worry provocation pain in the neck pet peeve aggro irksomeness repression anxiety insanity neurosis fear idã©e fixe a thing about something exaggerated reaction fixed idea coercion urgency duty force exigency driving drive pressure necessity demand duress have on the brain tiger by the tail motive spring violence goad suppression spur impulsion a must impelling no-no diffidence modesty timidity embarrassment humility reservation bashfulness characteristic practice procedure fashion manner observance routine usage swim form consuetude wont grind trick groove precedent praxis daily grind matter of course second nature proprieties beaten path impediment annoyance pill nuisance pest encumbrance sway bore magic enchantment attraction allure charm power magnetism trance spell sorcery glamour charisma witchcraft piquancy appeal grabber witchery thing for accomplish complete conclude wind up clinch wrap up settle achieve perfect execute finalize crown scratch culminate effect shutter fold ultimate determine fulfill discharge round off round up bag it bring to a close carry through deal with get out of the way hang it up have done with make short work of mop up put finishing touches on sew up top off infatuation case crush fetish craze interruption stumbling block barrier interference drawback snag deterrent glitch millstone intervention baggage stoppage limitation albatross joker catch-22 ball and chain impedance excess baggage foot dragging jam-up mishap snafu discontinuance hold-up craziness lunacy passion frenzy enthusiasm dementia fad desire bee partiality aberration furor fancy derangement delirium disorder ax to grind monomania bee in bonnet bug in ear delusion phantom concrete idea something on the brain hardship obstruction bump hurdle traverse mountain vicissitude booby trap disincentive tunnel vision ruling passion single-mindedness distaste resentment loathing dread aversion revulsion horror repulsion disgust detestation terror hatred avoidance irrationality dislike awe circumstance mess quagmire imbroglio plight deadlock crisis posture juncture perplexity asperity scrape state lot emergency muddle rigor condition clutch position pickle bad news hot water deep water soup large order rough go tall order ticklish spot tight situation trouble uncertainty bewilderment doubt double trouble up a tree relinquish surrender depart pull out renounce retire withdraw vacate drop out evacuate abdicate yield book decamp desert forsake bow out check out cut out get off push off take off throw over walk out on go away from leave flat leave hanging run out on take a walk abandon break off desist secede knock off leave off surcease call it a day call it quits cut it out get on the wagon give notice give over kick over kick the habit pack in quit cold take the cure forgo capitulate bail out hand over turn over demit cease work divorce oneself from end service give up the ship hand in resignation separate oneself from sign off stand aside stand down throw in the towel wash hands of control stricture stipulation regulation qualification demarcation circumscription confinement stint custody contraction fine print containment grain of salt small difficulty pause tarry refrain cold turkey draw up pull up be over blow off come to a standstill cool it run its course thought attitude impression quirk opinion notion unrest danger strife suffering struggle woe concern discontent agitation commotion dissatisfaction torment heartache misfortune discord disquiet tribulation tumult sorrow grief task dire straits means process move system measure policy approach plan stroke design plot instrument vehicle scheme contrivance wise outline expedient course of action modus customariness normalcy normality ordinariness prevalence dutch
Hang up antonyms
calm tranquility solution peace permit aid assist further facilitate release liberate unblock let up allow encourage give help let go open unstop forward continue push advance begin start promote support free offer soothe appease comfort quiet organize enlighten explain delight gladden make happy please order clarify clear up benefit exonerate boost unburden expedite loosen placate surrender abet face meet inspirit lose hearten retreat validate cooperate approve yield give up unfasten untie detach disconnect walk move run unclog arrange be convenient exclude untangle clean untwist remove uncomplicate uncover unmask lay bare unplug reveal include favor increase enlarge grow lengthen unbind unloose stretch expand develop raise extend hasten hurry speed persevere do strengthen rush maintain carry out go ahead mend forgive fix love explicate disjoin complete persist take away rise finish sustain forge carry on keep on accept boredom distraction indifference dislike hate health happiness calmness pleasure sanity balance free will independence liberty freedom license deterrent hindrance permission discouragement aggression allowance liberation boldness arrogance confidence pride deviation divergence departure irregularity joy assistance good health repulsion ugliness disinterest destroy commence unsettle disregard ignore schedule set up store create fail neglect introduce forget leave initiate overlook save bear not finish hatred advantage encouragement opening expedition promotion continuation opportunity chance soundness conformity reality blessing clearance affection liking loving breakthrough success boon agreement closure good fortune certainty come in remain enter stay arrive pursue claim assert hold defend retain fight win take on enlargement expansion restart give birth contentment satisfaction harmony organization fitness disorganization ignorance idleness inaction inactivity
Usage of Hang up in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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