Hapless meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Hapless
As noun : उफतदा
दीँ दीन उ:   शतानन्दअति दीन ब्राह्मण थे। निष्कंचन प्रतिक्रुष्ट प्रपन्न बेनवा मसकीन वराकी सकृपण हेचमर्द
Hapless synonyms
unlucky woeful cursed ill-fated loser luckless miserable sad sack star-crossed unhappy untoward wretched infelicitous behind the eightball hexed ill-starred jinxed jonah poor fish snakebit voodooed
Hapless antonyms
fortuitous fortunate lucky well-off happy
Usage of Hapless in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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