Happen meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Happen
As verb : अंकूलना Ex:  he had no inkling what was about to happen
उज्जना Ex:  Who knows what will happen in the future. कर डिख्ना Ex:  This may also happen for other reasons घटित होना Ex:  And I just happened to, and they just didn't happen to have the key. त्रीघटना Ex:  I don't expect to see it happen again any time soon. निखूटनापु Ex:  However, the conversion did not happen overnight. निरथाना Ex:  Getting TV programming shown to the public can happen in many different ways. वुकूअ Ex:  That could never happen now with our behavioral inhibitors. संवृत्ति Ex:  But it doesn't happen without a team. सकुचना Ex:  This may happen directly सज्जकर्म Ex:  It may also happen indirectly समासादन Ex:  Most avalanches happen during or soon after a storm. समुत्पत्ति Ex:  In the nineteenth century this did not happen in England . समुपस्था, समुपस्थान Ex:  , When pigs fly, When happen which can not happen स‌ंयोग से होना Ex:  An accident could happen हो ज्ना Ex:  fact happened or can happen होना Ex:  God knows what will happen उ:   मांगलिक-लक्ष्मी का प्रतीक-सृजनात्मक होना चाहिए।
Other : आ पडना Ex:  During rainy season accidents happen due to electrocution. आ पड़ना Ex:  the worst that could happen टूट पडना Ex:  Elections were planned to happen in 1991.In December 1991 हो जाना Ex:  By extension, it means Plan ahead and say what needs to happen
Happen ki paribhasha : oo pradhaan sattaarthak kriya
Happen synonyms
hit materialize develop go on appear transpire arise fall result meet arrive supervene proceed recur bump light shake befall spring ensue down chance eventuate smoke follow betide issue stumble come about come off luck turn out turn up take place take effect crop up be found become a fact become known become of come after come into being come into existence present itself stumble upon what goes
Happen antonyms
cease disappear precede fail lose halt stop
Usage of Happen in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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