Harass meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Harass
As noun : अँगुरियाना Ex:  He is known to harass his staff when he is overworked.
छेड़छाड़ करना Ex:  Absolutely, you harass me तंग करना Ex:  It also means Importuning lot, harass विडंब
As verb : अँगुरियाना Ex:  He is known to harass his staff when he is overworked. उत्पीड़ित करना Ex:  I harass; we harass त्रास देना Ex:  It is very lazy, you need to do harass act त‌ंग करना Ex:  It says especially figuratively, to mean Dunning, harass परिपीडि़त करना Ex:  Little War , one that is by detachments or parties, intending to watch the proceedings of the enemy, the inconvenience, harass परेशान करना Ex:  They say even put on the teeth, exhaust fatigue, harass पिड़काना । बार बार आक्रमण करना
Harass ki paribhasha : shreshth ya badi striyon ke liye aadaraathnk shabd kisi ke pichhe padna
Harass synonyms
burn raid tease intimidate pester torment persecute heckle hassle hound maraud bait distress exhaust strain vex foray worry devil tire beleaguer irritate eat attack irk annoy pain perplex exasperate bullyrag disturb despoil gnaw plague macerate trouble weary bug bedevil bother try harry fatigue ride get to give a bad time give a hard time jerk around noodge work on rattle one's cage
Harass antonyms
aid assist delight calm comfort soothe invigorate refresh placate reassure activate energize assuage explain facilitate help encourage make happy please build support clarify clear up
Usage of Harass in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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