Hard by meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Hard by
As noun : के पास Ex:  Botswana has been hit very hard by the AIDS epidemic
पास में
Other : निकट Ex:  Varro believed that when pressed hard by the Romans' superior numbers उ:   इसके निकट ही भगवान शिव का मंदिर देखा जा सकता है।
Hard by ki paribhasha : bhedon ke baal katarane ki kainchi ka dasta snbndh men jisase vishesh antar na ho
Hard by synonyms
convenient warm adjacent neighboring adjoining handy impending approaching at hand contiguous immediate imminent nearly proximate nearest abutting nigh across the street around the corner give or take a little in spitting distance in the ball park near-at-hand under one's nose later after alongside beside coming consequent ensuing following meeting subsequent touching attached back-to-back closest coterminous on the side side-by-side succeeding
Hard by antonyms
far faraway inaccurate unfriendly unreserved distant remote beyond detached loose open imprecise cool dry generous giving uncramped earlier preceding previous
Usage of Hard by in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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