Hard luck meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Hard luck Examples
Hard luck synonyms
hardship setback tragedy adversity blow mischance raw deal reverse hard time bad break hard cheese ill luck rotten luck tough break tough luck devil's own luck harm crash catastrophe emergency failure fiasco holocaust flood calamity debacle defeat hazard woe collapse ruination undoing misadventure collision stroke slip affliction rough casualty bust depression blight exigency bale bane cataclysm fall flop upset grief rock act of god bad news hot water washout fell stroke the worst accident annoyance anxiety burden contretemps cross crunch disadvantage disappointment discomfort dole inconvenience loss misery nuisance trial tribulation trouble unpleasantness visitation worry casuality infelicity stroke of bad luck miserable tragic unhappy luckless afflicted black calamitous cursed dire disastrous ill-fated inauspicious ominous star-crossed unfavorable unsuccessful untimely cataclysmic catastrophic behind eight ball down on luck ill-starred out of luck
Hard luck antonyms
advantage favor boon success blessing good luck happiness miracle achievement attainment win joy victory building aid health encouragement prosperity benefit good fortune wonder creation triumph help cheerful fortunate lucky happy relief delight gain profit calmness accomplishment contentment comfort boost pleasure ease peace piece of luck
Usage of Hard luck in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi 
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