Hard of hearing meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Hard of hearing
As noun : उच्चैश्रवा Ex:  It was hard of hearing and loses some of what was said in the conversation
एड Ex:  to be hard of hearing कर्णहीन बइर ‡ बकँर बहरा उ:   परिणाम स्वरूप लोग सतीश गुजराल को लंगड़ा, बहरा और गूंगा समझने लगे। बहरो बहिरा
Hard of hearing synonyms
hearing-impaired stone-deaf deafened earless stone deaf unable to hear
Hard of hearing antonyms
hearing attentive aware conscious listening willing
Usage of Hard of hearing in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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