Hard time meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Hard time
As noun :
बुरा वक्त Ex:  he had a hard time
Hard time synonyms
misfortune hardship setback tragedy blow mischance raw deal reverse bad break hard cheese hard luck ill luck rotten luck tough break tough luck devil's own luck grief third degree torture going-over grilling disaster privation want need catastrophe scrape indigence jam bummer vicissitude downer crunch exigency destitution throe difficulty drag poverty trouble pinch calamity rigor pickle can of worms hard knocks hot water straits holy mess ticklish spot unholy mess snub repulse cut slight refusal insult nix denial opposition defeat turndown discouragement check cold shoulder thumbs down brushoff go-by kick in the teeth nothing doing condemnation admonition censure disapproval reproach punishment reprehension correction ostracism castigation affliction put-down lesson row reproof lecture tongue-lashing blame comeuppance scolding remonstrance expostulation admonishment dressing-down rating earful objurgation berating chiding upbraiding reproval bawling-out chewing-out slap in the face talking-to telling-off veto elimination repudiation exclusion dismissal bounce renunciation pass disallowance brush-off kick in teeth no dice no go no way ragging grooming bawling out calling down going over slap on wrist what for piece of one's mind ordeal load hassle irritation anguish unhappiness annoyance nightmare heartbreak woe wretchedness sorrow pain crucible visitation inconvenience complication bane suffering plague burden nuisance care albatross bother pest misery vexation thorn pain in the neck calvary cross to bear severe test trying time heartache worry curse oppression persecution headache double whammy rainy day wronging mishap clutch contretemps poison jinx evil eye kiss of death hard times hurting ill fortune on the skids the worst drop sag dislocation crisis bankruptcy bust downturn panic stagnation crash failure inflation inactivity slide slowness unemployment stagflation overproduction deflation retrenchment paralysis bear market bad times big trouble bottom out rainy days decline collapse shakeout bottom-out depreciation fall dip letdown trough dumps funk slip blight downswing rut descent blue devils blue funk downslide downtrend bad period falling-off disagreeable distasteful troublesome unpalatable sour undesirable nasty obnoxious abhorrent bad news bad scene fierce gross icky irksome lousy objectionable poisonous repulsive unacceptable unattractive unhappy yucky displeasing unlovely grody hard-time uncool unlikable rain cloud heavy weather
Hard time antonyms
advantage favor boon success blessing good luck miracle abundance plenty luxury wealth happiness contentment health good fortune wonder comfort benefit ease peace pleasure praise compliment inclusion welcome approval encouragement endorsement flattery commendation exoneration sanction ratification choice allowance acceptance forgiveness reward aid relief joy joyfulness delight calm profit help felicity joyousness cheer convenience calmness assistance prosperity increase cheerfulness hope surge bulge protuberance rise hopefulness recovery convexity inflation advance ascent friendly pleasant pleasing delicious palatable helpful tasty acceptable kind delightful wonderful agreeable happy nice great
Usage of Hard time in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi 
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