Harmony meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Harmony
As noun : अनुरुपता Ex:  the interaction of yin and yang maintains the harmony of the universe
इल्तिबास Ex:  Peace and harmony should be maintained for the common good of all. उनहारि Ex:  This part is in harmony with the tenor's solo . ऎक्य Ex:  They also stand for the harmony of yin and yang . तमसील Ex:  Later Roman Stoics focused on promoting a life in harmony within the universe तालमेल Ex:  In harmony with its multiculturalist perspective उ:   नृत्य, गीत, संवाद सभी का तालमेल साथ-साथ ही चला। पटंभर ‡ Ex:  Much of the time, cellos provide part of the harmony for the orchestra. पतिपक्ष Ex:  It is a concept used to explain ziran, or harmony with the Dao. मधुर सम्बन्ध Ex:  He also studied harmony under Anton Arensky संध्वनि Ex:  From the details of the agreement arises the harmony of all the सद्दशता Ex:  Getting the music or singing harmony in tones or modes समसरि Ex:  In terms of music, it means specifically Put a song in harmony parts समानता Ex:  It expresses, in terms of painting, the Good effect results from the harmony of the colors and the lights and shadows उ:   उनकी यह समानता सभी को आकर्षित करती है। सहस्वरता Ex:  It is sometimes said, in a sense more technology, all sounds arrangement, executed, heard successively in the same air as opposed to harmony which consists in the agreement executed several parties heard simultaneously सामंजस्य Ex:  It reigns a beautiful, scholarly harmony between all parts of this composition उ:   यह समरसता द्वंद्व भावना में सामंजस्य उपस्थित करती है। स्वर संगति Ex:  Maintain harmony स्वरैकता Ex:  Maintain harmony स‌ंवाद Ex:  Music Pertaining to harmony
Other : अविरोध Ex:  melodic harmony अविवाद Ex:  Flower people take peaceful procession to propagate peace and harmony to all. एक ताल Ex:  The harmony and cooperation soon ended. एक लय Ex:  He introduced new ideas in harmony and musical form एकता Ex:  Mozart explored chromatic harmony to a degree rare at the time. उ:   राजस्थान का यह नृत्य समाज की एकता का सूत्रधार है। एकतान Ex:  It asserts that those in harmony with Tao will live long and fruitful lives. तारतम्य Ex:  Apollo represents harmony उ:   साथ ही विभिन्न कारणों का तारतम्य भी बाँध रखना चाहिए। तुक Ex:  While nu jazz is influenced by jazz harmony and melodies संगति Ex:  Agree with someone means even sympathize, live in harmony with it उ:   उपलब्ध रूप में कादंबरी की भाषा से इतनी प्राचीनता की संगति नहीं बैठती। समन्वय Ex:  harmony उ:   इसके लिए समन्वय और कौशल की आवश्यकता होती है। समरस Ex:  In terms of music, it is rumored that operates movements of Various low or serious part harmony when it comes to rest or fall at the end of a sentence सामरस्य Ex:  Know the laws, rules, principles of harmony, or simply harmony उ:   परंतु इस प्रेम में सामरस्य की आवश्यकता है। सुस्वरता Ex:  Low key, one that is the basis for harmony
Harmony ki paribhasha : kaary kaaran ka pravaah ya nirvaah hona ve sab chitthiyaaan aur paarsal aadi jo dak se bheji jaayan kisi vishay ka gyaan praapt karane ke liye baar baar prashn karane ki kriya vnshi ke paaanch gunon men se ek drashtikon ki samaanata ya ekata vaishamy ya virodh aadi ka abhaav
Harmony synonyms
unanimity tranquility peace understanding consensus unity cooperation consistency good will conformity rapport friendship kinship empathy concord amity sympathy affinity compatibility amicability like-mindedness meeting of minds integrity integration tune togetherness concordance consonance symmetry articulation proportion chime congruity regularity suitability parallelism fitness oneness conformance order arrangement melody composition unison concert richness concurrence piece chorus euphony symphony triad blend overtone chord blending polyphony diapason harmonics tunefulness melodiousness attunement concentus concinnity mellifluousness organum
Harmony antonyms
discord dislike hatred incompatibility clash fighting disproportion imbalance cacophony disagreement jangling unevenness disorganization disharmony
Usage of Harmony in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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